Natural products from underexplored pathways and extreme environments

Drugs with new chemical entities are urgently needed to tackle the emerging antibiotic resistance. We investigate natural products from underexplored pathways and extreme environments to characterize bioactive molecules with true structural novelty and their biosynthetic enzymes to bioengineer and improve potent anti-infectives.

Dr Florian Hubrich


Dr Florian Hubrich

Our Research

Natural products exhibit versatile bioactivities and provide valuable lead structures for drug discovery. Although the total number of characterized natural products increased over the last decades, only few of the compounds discovered had previously unknown chemical structures. However, structurally new chemicals are urgently required for the development of antibiotics with resistance-breaking properties and other active drugs. Recent advances in the field of natural product discovery indicate that there are several promising avenues to detect bioactive natural products with new chemical entities. The wealth of publicly available (meta)genomes conceals significant biosynthetic potential that has yet to be  elucidated. In addition, there is an increasing number of talented microbial natural product producers that have been isolated but remain underexplored. Moreover, the isolation of natural products from habitats and organisms thought to lack the potential for natural product biosynthesis (e.g. hot sulfur springs) further supports the hypothesis that the known natural product chemical space covers only the tip of the iceberg.

The Hubrich Lab aims to contribute to the expansion of the currently known natural product chemical diversity and to characterize the biosynthetic enzymes involved. The resulting compounds and enzymes will be used to develop and improve anti-infectives through bioengineering. To achieve this goal, metabolic pathways of talented but neglected natural product producers such as cyanobacteria and microbes that colonize extreme habitats will be investigated. The research approach applies interdisciplinary methods of modern natural product research and chemical biology, including bioinformatics, molecular and synthetic biology, microbiology, enzymology and (bio)synthetic chemistry.