Our Expertise
The facility provides access to several fluorescence microscopes (FM), confocal microscopes (CLSM), two transmission electron microscopes (TEM), and a high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) in addition to the peripheral preparation equipment.
The ZEIM team cooperates with the customer to establish a tailored preparation protocol and imaging technique/s to select the appropriate methodology for each research project. ZEIM has a portfolio of different methods available for preparing biological or material samples for light and electron microscopy.
The outstanding expertise in the preparation of biological samples for high quality imaging is a key strength of our EM service. The morphological analysis from new isolated microorganisms and bacteriophages is another. Furthermore, ZEIM offers to perform infection experiments with pathogenic bacteria on cell lines with subsequent preparation of samples, image acquisition and followed by analysis for publications.
We provide support and assistance for imaging with a fluorescence or confocal microscope and a tailored training to the customers’ needs. Besides classical fluorescence labeling studies, double immuno labeling for discriminating between surface adhesion and intracellular uptake of bacterial pathogens are well-established methods in our facility, which can be provided on demand.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Transmission electron microscope in the laboratory.Transmission electron microscope Zeiss TEM910. © HZI / Rohde
Besides negative-staining for bacteria, bacteriophages or vesicles, representing a rather fast method in EM, a portfolio of different embedding schemes are available. This includes low temperature embedding and high pressure freezing with freeze substitution and subsequent analysis of samples in ultrathin sections via TEM. ZEIM has also experience in performing immuno cytochemical stainings for detecting pathogenicity factors with the help of antibodies and gold nanoparticles in eukaryotic cells or bacteria.
- Transmission electron microscope Zeiss Libra120 Plus EFTEM
- Transmission electron microscope Zeiss TEM910
- Ultramicrotome Reichert Ultracut S, 2x
- High Pressure Freezer Leica EM-Pact 1
- Freeze substitution Leica EM AFS, Reichert-Jung CS Auto
- Coating Unit Bal-Tec MED 020
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM)
Field emission scanning electron microscope in the laboratory.Field emission scanning electron microscope Zeiss Merlin. © HZI / Rohde
For high-resolution FESEM studies standard protocols have been established which should result in a first satisfying preparation of samples to be investigated. This way infection processes and surface structures can be precisely visualized. However, new preparation methods will be customized and established if needed for special experiments. Similar to TEM, FESEM can be coupled with immuno cytometry to select your targets of interest.
- Field emission scanning electron microscope Zeiss Merlin with Atlas, STEM Detector, EsB-Detector for material contrast, Shuttle&Find for CLEM (correlative light- and electron microscopy), Oxford EDX Aztec with X-Max Detector
- Critical-Point Drying Leica EM CPD300, Bal-Tec CPD 030
- Sputter Coater Bal-Tec SCD 500
Fluorescence (FM) and confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM)
Fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscope in the laboratory.Leica SP5. © HZI / Molinari
FM/CLSM offer the possibilities to visualize selectively stained compartments of your cells. Thereby staining is achieved by various means including fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins or fluorescently labeled antibodies. The big advantage towards EM: You can visualize both live and fixed specimen. In case of three-dimensional structures CLSM is the microscope of choice since it allows acquiring optical sections, which can be reconstructed to 3D volumes afterwards with according software, which is available in ZEIM.
- Zeiss Axio Imager A2
- Zeiss Axio Imager A1
- Zeiss Axio Observer Z1
- Zeiss Imager Z2
- Zeiss Axiovert 100
- Zeiss Axiovert 200M
- Leica SP5 upright confocal laser-scanning microscope
- Leica SP5 inverse confocal laser-scanning microscope
Our Expertise
The facility provides access to several fluorescence microscopes (FM), confocal microscopes (CLSM), two transmission electron microscopes (TEM), and a high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) in addition to the peripheral preparation equipment.
The ZEIM team cooperates with the customer to establish a tailored preparation protocol and imaging technique/s to select the appropriate methodology for each research project. ZEIM has a portfolio of different methods available for preparing biological or material samples for light and electron microscopy.
The outstanding expertise in the preparation of biological samples for high quality imaging is a key strength of our EM service. The morphological analysis from new isolated microorganisms and bacteriophages is another. Furthermore, ZEIM offers to perform infection experiments with pathogenic bacteria on cell lines with subsequent preparation of samples, image acquisition and followed by analysis for publications.
We provide support and assistance for imaging with a fluorescence or confocal microscope and a tailored training to the customers’ needs. Besides classical fluorescence labeling studies, double immuno labeling for discriminating between surface adhesion and intracellular uptake of bacterial pathogens are well-established methods in our facility, which can be provided on demand.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Transmission electron microscope in the laboratory.Transmission electron microscope Zeiss TEM910. © HZI / Rohde
Besides negative-staining for bacteria, bacteriophages or vesicles, representing a rather fast method in EM, a portfolio of different embedding schemes are available. This includes low temperature embedding and high pressure freezing with freeze substitution and subsequent analysis of samples in ultrathin sections via TEM. ZEIM has also experience in performing immuno cytochemical stainings for detecting pathogenicity factors with the help of antibodies and gold nanoparticles in eukaryotic cells or bacteria.
- Transmission electron microscope Zeiss Libra120 Plus EFTEM
- Transmission electron microscope Zeiss TEM910
- Ultramicrotome Reichert Ultracut S, 2x
- High Pressure Freezer Leica EM-Pact 1
- Freeze substitution Leica EM AFS, Reichert-Jung CS Auto
- Coating Unit Bal-Tec MED 020
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM)
Field emission scanning electron microscope in the laboratory.Field emission scanning electron microscope Zeiss Merlin. © HZI / Rohde
For high-resolution FESEM studies standard protocols have been established which should result in a first satisfying preparation of samples to be investigated. This way infection processes and surface structures can be precisely visualized. However, new preparation methods will be customized and established if needed for special experiments. Similar to TEM, FESEM can be coupled with immuno cytometry to select your targets of interest.
- Field emission scanning electron microscope Zeiss Merlin with Atlas, STEM Detector, EsB-Detector for material contrast, Shuttle&Find for CLEM (correlative light- and electron microscopy), Oxford EDX Aztec with X-Max Detector
- Critical-Point Drying Leica EM CPD300, Bal-Tec CPD 030
- Sputter Coater Bal-Tec SCD 500
Fluorescence (FM) and confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM)
Fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscope in the laboratory.Leica SP5. © HZI / Molinari
FM/CLSM offer the possibilities to visualize selectively stained compartments of your cells. Thereby staining is achieved by various means including fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins or fluorescently labeled antibodies. The big advantage towards EM: You can visualize both live and fixed specimen. In case of three-dimensional structures CLSM is the microscope of choice since it allows acquiring optical sections, which can be reconstructed to 3D volumes afterwards with according software, which is available in ZEIM.
- Zeiss Axio Imager A2
- Zeiss Axio Imager A1
- Zeiss Axio Observer Z1
- Zeiss Imager Z2
- Zeiss Axiovert 100
- Zeiss Axiovert 200M
- Leica SP5 upright confocal laser-scanning microscope
- Leica SP5 inverse confocal laser-scanning microscope
Our Research
In addition to the facility services we participate and are involved in research collaborations, providing our input towards the imaging aspect of the work; performing the related experiments, image acquisition and documentation. Our strong team has a wide range of microbiological expertise. In the past, we contributed to pioneering work in streptococcal research and at present, we continue to be involved in the field through exceptional and well-established cooperations. Furthermore, the Gram-negative pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the focus of different ongoing research projects. The visualization of the effects of antimicrobials in biofilm-growing bacterial communities by several microscopic techniques is an important topic under development in our facility.

Selected Publications
Grüneboom A., Hawwari I., Weidner D., Culemann S., Müller S., Henneberg S., Brenzel A., Merz S., Bornemann L., Zec K., Wuelling M., Kling L., Hasenberg M., Voortmann S., Lang S., Baum W., Ohs A., Kraff O., Quick HH., Jäger M., Landgräber S., Dudda M., Danuser R., Stein J.V., Rohde M., Gelse K., Garbe AI., Adamczykk A., Westendorf AM., Hoffmann D., Christiansen S., Engel DR., Vortkamp A., Krönke G., Herrmann M., Kamradt T., Schett G., Hasenberg A., Gunzer M. (2019) A network of trans-cortical capillaries as mainstay for blood cisculation in long bones. Nat Metab.: 1 (2) pp: 236-250. doi: 10.1038/s42255-018-0016-5
Puhm F., Afonyushkin T., Resch U., Obermayer G., Rohde M., Penz T., Schuster M., Wagner G., Rendeiro AF., Melki I., Kaun C., Wojta J., Bock C., Jilma B., Mackman N., Boilard E., Binder CJ. (2019) Mitochondria are a subset of extracellular vesicles released by activated monocytes and include type I IFN and TNF responses in endothelial cells. Circ Res. Jun 21;125(1):43-52. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.314601
Wiegand S., Jogler M., Boedeker C., Pinto D., Vollmers J., Rivas-Marín E., Kohn T., Peeters SH., Heuer A., Rast P., Oberbeckmann S., Bunk B., Jeske O., Meyerdierks A., van Niftrik L., Storesund JE., Kallscheuer N., Lücker S., Lage OM., Pohl T., Merkel BJ., Hornburger P., Müller R-W., Brümmer F., Labrenz M., Spormann AM., op den Camp H., Overmann J., Amann R., Jetten MSM., Piel J., Mascher T., Medema MH., Devos DP., Kaster A-K., Øvreås L., Rohde M., Galperin MY., Jogler C. Cultivation and functional characterization of 79 Planctomyces uncovers their unique biology. Nat Microbiol. doi: 10.1038/s41564-019-0588-1
Müsken M., Pawar V., Schwebs T., Bähre H., Felgner S., Weiss S., Häussler S. (2018) Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic killing and regrowth of biofilm residing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrob Agents and Chemother. 62(12):e01635-18. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01635-18
Boedeker C.; Schüler M.; Reintjes G.; Jeske O.; van Teeseling MC.; Jogler M.; Rast P.; Borchert D.; Devos DP.; Kucklick M.; Schaffer M.; Kolter R.; van Niftrik L.; Engelmann S.; Amann R.; Rohde M.; Engelhardt H.; Jogler C. (2017) Determining the bacterial cell biology of Planctomycetes. Nat Commun.: 8:14853. doi: 10.1038/ncomms14853