Author count: 13
Oostlander A.G., Brodde L., von Bargen M., Slippers B., Becker Y., Brandt U., Klawonn F., Grobler C., Well L., Stenlid J., Oliva J., ... , Elfstrand M., Fleissner A.
Development of a molecular genetics and cell biology toolbox for the filamentous fungus Diplodia sapinea
Author count: 4
Klawonn F., Hoffmann G., Holdenrieder S., Trulson I.
reflimLOD: A Modified reflimR Approach for Estimating Reference Limits with Tolerance for Values Below the Lower Limit of Detection (LOD)
Author count: 13
Ayala-Garcia P., Herrero-Gomez I., Jimenez-Guerrero I., Otto V., Moreno-de Castro N., Müsken M., Jänsch L., Van Ham M., Vinardell J.M., Lopez-Baena F.J., Ollero F.J., ... , Perez-Montano F., Borrero-de Acuna J.M.
Extracellular Vesicle-Driven Crosstalk between Legume Plants and Rhizobia: The Peribacteroid Space of Symbiosomes as a Protein Trafficking Interface
J.Proteome Res.,
Author count: 11
Marecic V., Shevchuk O., Link M., Viduka I., Ozanic M., Kostanjsek R., Mihelcic M., Antonic M., Jänsch L., ... , Stulik J., Santic M.
Francisella novicida-Containing Vacuole within Dictyostelium discoideum: Isolation and Proteomic Characterization
Author count: 24
Darguzyte M., Antczak P., Bachurski D., Hoelker P., Abedpour N., Gholamipoorfard R., Schlößer H.A., Wennhold K., Thelen M., Garcia-Marquez M.A., Koenig J., Schneider A., Braun T., Klawonn F., Damrat M., Rahman M., Kleid J.M., Theobald S.J., Bauer E., Von Kaisenberg C., Talbot S.R., Shultz L.D., ... , Soper B., Stripecke R.
Long-Term Human Immune Reconstitution, T-Cell Development, and Immune Reactivity in Mice Lacking the Murine Major Histocompatibility Complex: Validation with Cellular and Gene Expression Profiles
Author count: 8
Garza A.P., Wider-Eberspächer E., Morton L., Van Ham M., Pallinger E., Buzas E.I., ... , Jänsch L., Dunay I.R.
Proteomic analysis of plasma-derived extracellular vesicles: pre- and postprandial comparisons
Author count: 7
Röhrl A., Klawonn F., Füchtmeier B., Wulbrand C., Gessner A., ... , Zustin J., Ambrosch A.
Correction to: Results of a monocentric field study: value of histology compared to sonication method and conventional tissue culture in the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) (Infection, (2024), 10.1007/s15010-024-02278-x)
Author count: 8
Grosskopf A., Rahn J., Kim A., Szabo G., Rujescu D., Klawonn F., ... , Frolov A., Simm A.
Peptide-Bound Glycative, AGE and Oxidative Modifications as Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease-A Feasibility Study
Author count: 4
Brauner L.E., Yao Y., Grigull L., Klawonn F.
Patient-Oriented Questionnaires and Machine Learning for Rare Disease Diagnosis: A Systematic Review
Author count: 2
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F.
At the crossroads between statistics and artificial intelligence: statistical learning in laboratory medicine
Author count: 11
Krooss S.A., Klefenz I., Ott M., Klawonn F., Leitl D., Schneeberger T., Jarosch I., Vogelmeier C.F., Lommatzsch M., ... , Gloeckl R., Koczulla A.R.
Bronchodilator Response in Post-COVID-19 Patients Undergoing Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Author count: 6
Hoffmann G., Klawitter S., Trulson I., Adler J., Holdenrieder S., Klawonn F.
A Novel Tool for the Rapid and Transparent Verification of Reference Intervals in Clinical Laboratories
Journal of Clinical Medicine,
Author count: 6
Reitze A., Voigt M., Klawonn F., Dusch M., Grigull L., Mücke U.
Impact of virtual reality on peri-interventional pain, anxiety and distress in a pediatric oncology outpatient clinic: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Pediatrics,
Author count: 3
Al-Mekhlafi A., Klawitter S., Klawonn F.
Standardization with zlog values improves exploratory data analysis and machine learning for laboratory data
Journal of Laboratory Medicine
Author count: 8
Behlendorf C., Diwo M., Neumann-Schaal M., Fuchs M., Körner D., Jänsch L., ... , Faber F., Blankenfeldt W.
Formation of the pyruvoyl-dependent proline reductase Prd from Clostridioides difficile requires the maturation enzyme PrdH
PNAS Nexus,
Author count: 13
Mundorf A.K., Semmler A., Heidecke H., Schott M., Steffen F., Bittner S., Lackner K.J., Schulze-Bosse K., Pawlitzki M., Meuth S.G., Klawonn F., ... , Ruhrländer J., Boege F.
Clinical and Diagnostic Features of Post-Acute COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome (PACVS)
Author count: 7
Neu F., Nay S., Schuchardt S., Klawonn F., Skripuletz T., ... , Suehs K.W., Pessler F.
Targeted metabolomics identifies accurate CSF metabolite biomarkers for the differentiation between COVID-19 with neurological involvement and CNS infections with neurotropic viral pathogens
Journal of Translational Medicine,
Author count: 12
Schöl M., Schempp R., Hennig T., Wigger D., Schumacher F., Kleuser B., Stigloher C., Van Ham M., Jänsch L., Schneider-Schaulies S., ... , Dölken L., Avota E.
Dynamic changes in the proximitome of neutral sphingomyelinase-2 (nSMase2) in TNFa[alpha] stimulated Jurkat cells
Frontiers in Immunology,
Author count: 2
Vahldiek K., Klawonn F.
Cluster-Centered Visualization Techniques for Fuzzy Clustering Results to Judge Single Clusters
Author count: 2
Klawonn F., Hoffmann G.
An Objective Function-Based Clustering Algorithm with a Closed-Form Solution and Application to Reference Interval Estimation in Laboratory Medicine
Author count: 7
Röhrl A., Klawonn F., Füchtmeier B., Wulbrand C., Gessner A., ... , Zustin J., Ambrosch A.
Results of a monocentric field study: value of histology compared to sonication method and conventional tissue culture in the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI)
Author count: 18
Schröder D., Schmachtenberg T., Heinemann S., Müllenmeister C., Roder S., El-Sayed I., Heesen G., Königs G., Dopfer-Jablonka A., Hummers E., Mikuteit M., Dopfer C., Grewendorf S., Niewolik J., Steffens S., Doze V., ... , Klawonn F., Müller F.
Parenting and Gender as Impact Factors for Social Participation, Quality of Life, and Mental Health in Long COVID
J.Prim.Care Community Health,
Author count: 18
Müllenmeister C., Stoelting A., Schröder D., Schmachtenberg T., Ritter S., El-Sayed I., Steffens S., Klawonn F., Klawitter S., Homann S., Mikuteit M., Berg C., Behrens G., Hummers E., Cook A., Müller F., ... , Dopfer-Jablonka A., Happle C.
Evaluating the Feasibility, Acceptance, and Beneficial Effects of Online Occupational Therapy for Post-COVID-19 Condition: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (ErgoLoCo Study)
Author count: 3
Klawonn F., Riekeberg N., Hoffmann G.
Importance and Uncertainty of l[lambda]-Estimation for Box-Cox Transformations to Compute and Verify Reference Intervals in Laboratory Medicine
Author count: 12
Niewolik J., Mikuteit M., Klawitter S., Schröder D., Stölting A., Vahldiek K., Heinemann S., Müller F., Behrens G.M.N., Klawonn F., ... , Dopfer-Jablonka A., Steffens S.
Cluster analysis of long COVID symptoms for deciphering a syndrome and its long-term consequence
Immunologic Research
Author count: 33
Freilinger S., Kaemmerer H., Pittrow R.D., Achenbach S., Baldus S., Dewald O., Ewert P., Freiberger A., Gorenflo M., Harig F., Hohmann C., Holdenrieder S., Hörer J., Huntgeburth M., Hübler M., Kohls N., Klawonn F., Kozlik-Feldmann R., Kaulitz R., Loßnitzer D., Mellert F., Nagdyman N., Nordmeyer J., Pittrow B.A., Pittrow L.B., Rickers C., Rosenkranz S., Schelling J., Sinning C., Suleiman M.N., von Kodolitsch Y., ... , von Scheidt F., Kaemmerer-Suleiman A.S.
PATHFINDER-CHD: prospective registry on adults with congenital heart disease, abnormal ventricular function, and/or heart failure as a foundation for establishing rehabilitative, prehabilitative, preventive, and health-promoting measures: rationale, aims, design and methods
BMC Cardiovasc.Disord.,
Author count: 12
Schempp R., Eilts J., Schöl M., Grijalva Yepez M.F., Fekete A., Wigger D., Schumacher F., Kleuser B., Van Ham M., Jänsch L., ... , Sauer M., Avota E.
The Role of Neutral Sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) in the Control of Neutral Lipid Storage in T Cells
Author count: 8
Palm J., Ono M., Niedermaier C., Hörer J., Hoffmann G., Holdenrieder S., ... , Klawonn F., Ewert P.
Quantification of ventricular stress in univentricular hearts during early childhood using age-independent zlog-NT-proBNP
Author count: 7
Jerye K., Lüken H., Steffen A., Schlawis C., Jänsch L., ... , Schulz S., Brönstrup M.
Activity-Based Protein Profiling Identifies Protein Disulfide-Isomerases as Target Proteins of the Volatile Salinilactones
Author count: 13
Schröder D., Heinemann S., Heesen G., Hummers E., Schmachtenberg T., Dopfer-Jablonka A., Vahldiek K., Klawonn F., Klawitter S., Steffens S., Mikuteit M., ... , Niewolik J., Müller F.
Association of long COVID with health-related Quality of Life and Social Participation in Germany: Finding from an online-based cross-sectional survey
Author count: 13
Fetcu S., Osawa T., Klawonn F., Schaeffer T., Röhlig C., Staehler H., Di Padua C., Heinisch P.P., Piber N., Hager A., Ewert P., ... , Hörer J., Ono M.
Longitudinal analysis of systemic ventricular function and atrioventricular valve function after the norwood procedure
Author count: 4
Trulson I., Klawonn F., von Pawel J., Holdenrieder S.
Improvement of differential diagnosis of lung cancer by use of multiple protein tumor marker combinations
Author count: 5
Yao Y., Zhu Y., Nogueira R., Klawonn F., Wallner M.
Optimal Selection of Sampling Points within Sewer Networks for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology Applications
Methods Protoc.,
Author count: 11
Al-Mekhlafi A., Waqas F.H., Krueger M., Klawonn F., Akmatov M.K., Müller-Vahl K., Trebst C., Skripuletz T., Stangel M., ... , Sühs K.W., Pessler F.
Elevated phospholipids and acylcarnitines C4 and C5 in cerebrospinal fluid distinguish viral CNS infections from autoimmune neuroinflammation
Author count: 1
Klemm L.
Impact of pulsatile pulmonary blood flow on cardiopulmonary exercise performance after the Fontan procedure
Author count: 6
Szczypien N., Ruchay Z., Ruchay Z., Müller S.V., Kaiser C., Klawonn F.
Sex-specific differences in pain localization in female patients with endometriosis: A comparison of sexless and female human body outlines
Brain Behav.
Author count: 10
Schröder L., Mallmann M.R., Domroese C.M., Wefers N., Dolscheid-Pommerich R., Stoffel-Wagner B., Trulson I., Vahldiek K., ... , Klawonn F., Holdenrieder S.
Method Comparison and Clinical Performance of Breast Cancer Tumor Markers on Novel Multiplex Immunoassay and Automatized LOCI Technology Platforms
Author count: 12
Weichert L., Düsedau H.P., Fritzsch D., Schreier S., Scharf A., Grashoff M., Cebulski K., Michaelsen-Preusse K., Erck C., Lienenklaus S., ... , Dunay I.R., Kröger A.
Astrocytes evoke a robust IRF7-independent type I interferon response upon neurotropic viral infection
Author count: 16
Schröder D., Müllenmeister C., Heinemann S., Hummers E., Klawonn F., Vahldiek K., Dopfer-Jablonka A., Steffens S., Mikuteit M., Niewolik J., Overbeck T.R., Kallusky J., Königs G., Heesen G., ... , Schmachtenberg T., Müller F.
Social participation during the COVID-19 pandemic in persons with a high risk for a severe course of COVID-19 - results of a longitudinal, multi-center observational study in Germany
Health Psychol.Behav.Med.,
Author count: 10
Brauns S., Marquardt I., Thon C., Frentzel S., Jakob J., Färber J., Philipsen L., Jänsch L., ... , Link A., Bruder D.
Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells from Clostridioides difficile-infected patients exhibit a distinct proinflammatory phenotype and enhanced cytotoxic activity
Author count: 10
Mikuteit M., Baskal S., Klawitter S., Dopfer-Jablonka A., Behrens G.M.N., Müller F., Schröder D., Klawonn F., ... , Steffens S., Tsikas D.
Amino acids, post-translational modifications, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress in serum and urine of long COVID and ex COVID human subjects
Author count: 11
Bi W., Kraft A., Engelskircher S., Mischke J., Witte M., Klawonn F., Van Ham M., Cornberg M., Wedemeyer H., ... , Hengst J., Jänsch L.
Proteomics reveals a global phenotypic shift of NK cells in HCV patients treated with direct-acting antivirals
Author count: 11
Fleischhacker M., Arslan E., Reinicke D., Eisenmann S., Theil G., Kollmeier J., Schäper C., Grah C., Klawonn F., ... , Holdenrieder S., Schmidt B.
Cell-Free Methylated PTGER4 and SHOX2 Plasma DNA as a Biomarker for Therapy Monitoring and Prognosis in Advanced Stage NSCLC Patients
Author count: 2
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F.
Applied biostatistics in laboratory medicine
Author count: 17
Schwanke H., Goncalves Magalhäes V, Schmelz S., Wyler E., Hennig T., Günther T., Grundhoff A., Dölken L., Landthaler M., Van Ham M., Jänsch L., Büssow K., van den Heuvel J., Blankenfeldt W., Friedel C.C., ... , Erhard F., Brinkmann M.M.
The Cytomegalovirus M35 Protein Directly Binds to the Interferon-b[beta] Enhancer and Modulates Transcription of Ifnb1 and Other IRF3-Driven Genes
Author count: 7
Ibald L.C., Witte V., Klawonn F., Conrad R., Mücke M., ... , Sellin J., Teschke M.
Correction to: Suggestion of a new standard in measuring the mandible via MRI and an overview of reference values in young women (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, (2023), 10.1007/s10006-023-01153-7)
Oral Maxillofac.Surg.
Author count: 5
Esmaeeli M., Nimtz M., Jänsch L., Ruddock L.W., Leimkühler S.
Mechanistic insights into the ROS-mediated inactivation of human aldehyde oxidase
FEBS Lett.
Author count: 11
Schröder D., Müller F., Heesen G., Hummers E., Dopfer-Jablonka A., Vahldiek K., Klawonn F., Steffens S., Mikuteit M., ... , Niewolik J., Heinemann S.
Feasibility of self-organized blood sample collection in adults for study purposes in a primary care setting
Author count: 5
Esmaeeli M., Nimtz M., Jänsch L., Ruddock L.W., Leimkühler S.
Inactivation of Human Aldehyde Oxidase by Small Sulfhydryl-containing Reducing Agents
Drug Metab Dispos.
Author count: 4
Ambrosch A., Luber D., Klawonn F., Kabesch M.
Corrigendum to Focusing on severe infections with the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in adults: risk factors, symptomatology and clinical course compared to influenza A / B and the original SARS-CoV-2 strain (Journal of Clinical Virology (2023) 161, (S1386653223000227), (10.1016/j.jcv.2023.105399))
Journal of Clinical Virology
Author count: 6
Häder T., Molderings G.J., Klawonn F., Conrad R., Mücke M., Sellin J.
Cluster-Analytic Identification of Clinically Meaningful Subtypes in MCAS: The Relevance of Heat and Cold
Digestive Diseases and Sciences
Author count: 7
Ibald L.C., Witte V., Klawonn F., Conrad R., M++cke M., ... , Sellin J., Teschke M.
Suggestion of a new standard in measuring the mandible via MRI and an overview of reference values in young women
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Author count: 9
Trulson I., Stahl J., Margraf S., Scholz M., Hoecherl E., Wolf K., Durner J., ... , Klawonn F., Holdenrieder S.
Cell-Free DNA in Plasma and Serum Indicates Disease Severity and Prognosis in Blunt Trauma Patients
Author count: 10
Emmert D., Szczypien N., Bender T.T.A., Grigull L., Gass A., Link C., Klawonn F., Conrad R., ... , Mücke M., Sellin J.
A diagnostic support system based on pain drawings: binary and k-disease classification of EDS, GBS, FSHD, PROMM, and a control group with Pain2D
Author count: 11
Dahmen V., Heinisch P.P., Staehler H., Schaeffer T., Burri M., Röhlig C., Klawonn F., Hager A., Ewert P., ... , Hörer J., Ono M.
Longitudinal analysis of systemic ventricular function and atrioventricular valve function after the Fontan procedure
Author count: 5
Jakob J., Kröger A., Klawonn F., Bruder D., J+ñnsch L.
Translatome analyses by bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino acid labeling reveal that MR1-activated MAIT cells induce an M1 phenotype and antiviral programming in antigen-presenting monocytes
Author count: 2
Al-Mekhlafi A., Klawonn F.
HiPerMAb: A tool for judging the potential of small sample size biomarker pilot studies
Author count: 4
Ambrosch A., Luber D.L., Klawonn F., Kabesch :.
Focusing on severe infections with the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in adults: Risk factors, symptomatology and clinical course compared to influenza A / B and the original SARS-CoV-2 strain
Author count: 12
Zhang X., Wang T., Zhu X., Lu Y., Li M., Huang Z., Han D., Zhang L., Wu Y., Li L., ... , Klawonn F., Stripecke R.
GMP development and preclinical validation of CAR-T cells targeting a lytic EBV antigen for therapy of EBV-associated malignancies
Author count: 10
Heesen G., Heinemann S., Müller F., Dopfer-Jablonka A., Mikuteit M., Niewolik J., Klawonn F., Vahldiek K., ... , Hummers E., Schröder D.
Social participation and mental health of immunocompromised individuals before and after COVID-19 vaccination
Author count: 17
Borgert S.R., Henke S., Witzgall F., Schmelz S., Zur Lage S., Hotop S.K., Stephen S., Lübken D., Krüger J., Gomez N.O., Van Ham M., Jänsch L., Kalesse M., Pich A., Brönstrup M., ... , Häußler S., Blankenfeldt W.
Moonlighting chaperone activity of the enzyme PqsE contributes to RhlR-controlled virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Author count: 5
Klawitter S., Hoffmann G., Holdenrieder S., Kacprowski T., Klawonn F.
A zlog-based algorithm and tool for plausibility checks of reference intervals
Author count: 10
Prabhakar P., Pielot R., Landgraf P., Wissing J., Bayrhammer A., Van Ham M., Gundelfinger E.D., Jänsch L., ... , Dieterich D.C., Müller A.
Monitoring regional astrocyte diversity by cell type-specific proteomic labeling in vivo
Author count: 5
Hosseini S., Van Ham M., Erck C., Korte M., Michaelsen-Preusse K.
The role of a
Author count: 6
Singh K.S., Paul D., Gupta A., Dhotre D., Klawonn F., Shouche Y.
Indian sewage microbiome has unique community characteristics and potential for population-level disease predictions
Sci.Total Environ.,
Author count: 8
Kirchenwitz M., Stahnke S., Grunau K., Melcher L., Van Ham M., Rottner K., ... , Steffen A., Stradal T.E.B.
The autophagy inducer SMER28 attenuates microtubule dynamics mediating neuroprotection
Author count: 3
Noering F.K.-D., Jonas K., Klawonn F.
Improving discretization based pattern discovery for multivariate time series by additional preprocessing
Intelligent Data Analysis,
Author count: 14
Degen C.V., Mikuteit M., Niewolik J., Joosten T., Schröder D., Vahldiek K., Mücke U., Heinemann S., Müller F., Behrens G.M.N., Klawonn F., Lenarz T., ... , Dopfer-Jablonka A., Steffens S.
Audiological profile of adult Long COVID patients
Am.J.Otolaryngol.Head Neck Med.Surg.,
Author count: 18
Dorman K., Gerckens M., Kruger S., Krueger K., Mayer Z., Rupp A., Zhang D., Weiss L., Westphalen C.B., Haas M., Guenther M., Ormanns S., Klawonn F., Werner J., von Bergwelt-Baildon M., Heinemann V., ... , Boeck S., Holdenrieder S.
Serum biomarker panel diagnostics in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: the clinical utility of soluble interleukins, IFN-g[gamma], TNF-a[alpha] and PD-1/PD-L1 in comparison to established serum tumor markers
J.Cancer Res.Clin.Oncol.
Author count: 12
Heesen G., Schröder D., Müller F., Hummers E., Klawonn F., Mikuteit M., Niewolik J., Steffens S., Cossmann A., Behrens G., ... , Dopfer-Jablonka A., Heinemann S.
The Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination on the Social Participation of Immunocompromised Persons - Results of a Multicenter Observational Study
Front Public Health,
Author count: 10
Schröder D., Heinemann S., Heesen G., Klawonn F., Mikuteit M., Niewolik J., Steffens S., Behrens G., ... , Jablonka A., Müller F.
Who is pausing immunosuppressive medication for COVID-19 vaccination? Results of an exploratory observational trial
Author count: 12
Degen C.V., Mikuteit M., Niewolik J., Schröder D., Vahldiek K., Mücke U., Heinemann S., Müller F., Behrens G.M.N., Klawonn F., ... , Dopfer-Jablonka A., Steffens S.
Self-reported Tinnitus and Vertigo or Dizziness in a Cohort of Adult Long COVID Patients
Author count: 9
Zakaria M.M., Stegemann T., Sievert C., Kruse L.H., Kaltenegger E., Girreser U., Cicek S.S., ... , Nimtz M., Ober D.
Insights into polyamine metabolism: homospermidine is double-oxidized in two discrete steps by a single copper-containing amine oxidase in pyrrolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis
Plant Cell
Author count: 15
Seiler L.K., Phung N.L., Nikolin C., Immenschuh S., Erck C., Kaufeld J., Haller H., Falk C.S., Jonczyk R., Lindner P., Thoms S., Siegl J., Mayer G., ... , Feederle R., Blume C.A.
An Antibody-Aptamer-Hybrid Lateral Flow Assay for Detection of CXCL9 in Antibody-Mediated Rejection after Kidney Transplantation
Author count: 4
Ambrosch A., Luber D., Klawonn F., Kabesch M.
A strict mask policy for hospital staff effectively prevents nosocomial influenza infections and mortality: monocentric data from five consecutive influenza seasons
Author count: 9
Marquardt I., Jakob J., Scheibel J., Hofmann J.D., Klawonn F., Neumann-Schaal M., Gerhard R., ... , Bruder D., Jänsch L.
Clostridioides difficile Toxin CDT Induces Cytotoxic Responses in Human Mucosal-Associated Invariant T (MAIT) Cells
Front Microbiol.,
Author count: 12
Chaudhry M.Z., Eschke K., Hoffmann M., Grashoff M., Abassi L., Kim Y., Brunotte L., Ludwig S., Kröger A., Klawonn F., ... , Pöhlmann S.H., Cicin-Sain L.
Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Adaptation to Available Cellular Proteases
Author count: 10
Thiaucourt M., Gerhards C., Kittel M., Ast V., Santhanam N., Klawonn F., Hetjens M., Costina V., ... , Neumaier M., Haselmann V.
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing - How to Increase the Positive Predictive Value
Author count: 1
Klawonn F.
Editorial: Making an impact
Integr.Comput.Aided Eng.,
Author count: 14
Piber N., Ono M., Palm J., Kido T., Burri M., Röhlig C., Strbad M., Cleuziou J., Lemmer J., Dilber D., Klawonn F., Ewert P., ... , Hager A., Hörer J.
Influence of shunt type on survival and right heart function after the Norwood procedure for aortic atresia
Author count: 7
Palm J., Holdenrieder S., Hoffmann G., Hörer J., Shi R., ... , Klawonn F., Ewert P.
Predicting Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Children With Age-Adjusted NT-proBNP
Journal of the American College of Cardiology,
Author count: 17
Kumar S., Koenig J., Schneider A., Wermeling F., Boddul S., Theobald S.J., Vollmer M., Kloos D., Lachmann N., Klawonn F., Lienenklaus S., Talbot S.R., Bleich A., Wenzel N., Kaisenberg C.V., ... , Keck J., Stripecke R.
In vivo lentiviral gene delivery of hla-dr and vaccination of humanized mice for improving the human t and b cell immune reconstitution
Author count: 7
Schenke M., Prause H.C., Bergforth W., Przykopanski A., Rummel A., ... , Klawonn F., Seeger B.
Human-relevant sensitivity of ipsc-derived human motor neurons to bont/a1 and b1
Author count: 4
Vahldiek K., Zhou L., Zhu W., Klawonn F.
Development of a data generator for multivariate numerical data with arbitrary correlations and distributions
Intell.Data Anal.,
Author count: 10
Fritz A., Bremges A., Deng Z.L., Lesker T.R., Götting J., Ganzenmueller T., Sczyrba A., Dilthey A., ... , Klawonn F., McHardy A.C.
Haploflow: strain-resolved de novo assembly of viral genomes
Genome Biol.,
Author count: 4
Noering F.K.-D., Schroeder Y., Jonas K., Klawonn F.
Pattern discovery in time series using autoencoder in comparison to nonlearning approaches
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering,
Author count: 10
Al-Mekhlafi A., Sühs K.W., Schuchardt S., Kuhn M., Müller-Vahl K., Trebst C., Skripuletz T., Klawonn F., ... , Stangel M., Pessler F.
Elevated Free Phosphatidylcholine Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid Distinguish Bacterial from Viral CNS Infections
Author count: 14
Fuchs S., Kucklick M., Lehmann E., Beckmann A., Wilkens M., Kolte B., Mustafayeva A., Ludwig T., Diwo M., Wissing J., Jänsch L., Ahrens C.H., ... , Ignatova Z., Engelmann S.
Towards the characterization of the hidden world of small proteins in Staphylococcus aureus, a proteogenomics approach
Author count: 10
Dominguez-Perez D., Almeida D., Wissing J., Machado A.M., Jänsch L., Antunes A., Castro L.F., Vasconcelos V., ... , Campos A., Cunha I.
Proteogenomic characterization of the cement and adhesive gland of the pelagic gooseneck barnacle lepas anatifera
Author count: 8
Volckmar J., Knop L., Hirsch T., Frentzel S., Erck C., Van Ham M., ... , Stegemann-Koniszewski S., Bruder D.
Chemical conjugation of a purified dec-205-directed antibody with full-length protein for targeting mouse dendritic cells in vitro and in vivo
J.Visualized Exp.,
Author count: 10
Finkenzeller T., Lenhart S., Reinwald M., Lüth S., Dendl L.M., Paetzel C., Szczypien N., Klawonn F., ... , von Meyer A., Schreyer A.G.
Risk to Radiology Staff for Occupational COVID-19 Infection in a High-Risk and a Low-Risk Region in Germany: Lessons from the "First Wave"
Author count: 11
Troitzsch D., Zhang H., Dittmann S., Düsterhöft D., Möller T.A., Michel A.M., Jänsch L., Riedel K., Borrero-de Acuna J.M., ... , Jahn D., Sievers S.
A Point Mutation in the Transcriptional Repressor PerR Results in a Constitutive Oxidative Stress Response in Clostridioides difficile 630 D
Author count: 3
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F., Holdenrieder S.
Referenzintervall-Überprüfung: Ein Konzept wird erwachsen
Trillium Diagnostik,
Author count: 5
Berthold M.R., Borgelt C., Höppner F., Klawonn F., Silipo R.
Guide to Intelligent Data Science : How to Intelligently Make Use of Real Data
Author count: 6
Kleine Bardenhorst S., Berger T., Klawonn F., Vital M., Karch A., Rübsamen N.
Data analysis strategies for microbiome studies in human populations-a systematic review of current practice
Author count: 3
Klawonn F., Hoffmann G., Orth M.
Quantitative laboratory results: Normal or lognormal distribution?
Author count: 9
Schulz S., Reichert S., Grollmitz J., Friebe L., Kohnert M., Hofmann B., Schaller H.G., ... , Klawonn F., Shi R.
The role of Saccharibacteria (TM7) in the subginival microbiome as a predictor for secondary cardiovascular events
Author count: 22
Volk V., Theobald S.J., Danisch S., Khailaie S., Kalbarczyk M., Schneider A., Bialek-Waldmann J., Krönke N., Deng Y., Eiz-Vesper B., Dragon A.C., Von Kaisenberg C., Lienenklaus S., Bleich A., Keck J., Meyer-Hermann M., Klawonn F., Hammerschmidt W., Delecluse H.J., Münz C., ... , Feuerhake F., Stripecke R.
PD-1 Blockade Aggravates Epstein-Barr Virus(+) Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder in Humanized Mice Resulting in Central Nervous System Involvement and CD4(+) T Cell Dysregulations
Front Oncol.,
Author count: 14
Chaoprasid P., Lukat P., Mühlen S., Heidler T., Gazdag E.M., Dong S., Bi W., Rüter C., Kirchenwitz M., Steffen A., Jänsch L., Stradal T.E.B., ... , Dersch P., Blankenfeldt W.
Crystal structure of bacterial cytotoxic necrotizing factor CNF g
Author count: 6
Sörös P., Wölk L., Bantel C., Bräuer A., Klawonn F., Witt K.
Replicability, Repeatability, and Long-term Reproducibility of Cerebellar Morphometry
Author count: 15
Wang H., Beier N., Boedeker C., Sztajer H., Henke P., Neumann-Schaal M., Mansky J., Rohde M., Overmann J., Petersen J., Klawonn F., Kucklick M., Engelmann S., ... , Tomasch J., Wagner-Döbler I.
Dinoroseobacter shibae outer membrane vesicles are enriched for the chromosome dimer resolution site dif
Author count: 16
Bankwitz D., Bahai A., Labuhn M., Doepke M., Ginkel C., Khera T., Todt D., Ströh L.J., Dold L., Klein F., Klawonn F., Krey T., Behrendt P., Cornberg M., ... , McHardy A.C., Pietschmann T.
Hepatitis C reference viruses highlight potent antibody responses and diverse viral functional interactions with neutralising antibodies
Author count: 8
Finkenzeller T., Faltlhauser A., Dietl K.H., Paetzel C., Szczypien N., Klawonn F., ... , Bodmann K.F., von Meyer A.
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in ICU and clinic staff: From Germany's region with the highest infection rate,
Author count: 7
Wester L., Mücke M., Bender T.T.A., Sellin J., Klawonn F., ... , Conrad R., Szczypien N.
Pain drawings as a diagnostic tool for the differentiation between two pain-associated rare diseases (Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrome, Guillain-Barr q
Orphanet J Rare Dis,
Author count: 8
Wiesselmann M., Hebecker S., Borrero-de Acuna J.M., Nimtz M., Bollivar D.W., Jänsch L., ... , Moser J., Jahn D.
Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase from Rhodobacter capsulatus: Radical SAM-dependent synthesis of the isocyclic ring of bacteriochlorophylls
Author count: 4
Ambrosch A., Rockmann F., Klawonn F., Lampl B.
Effect of a strict hygiene bundle for the prevention of nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital: a practical approach from the field
J.Infect.Public Health,
Author count: 3
Al-Mekhlafi A., Becker T., Klawonn F.
Sample size and performance estimation for biomarker combinations based on pilot studies with small sample sizes
Commun Stat Theory Methods
Author count: 5
Kühnle L., Mücke U., Lechner W.M., Klawonn F., Grigull L.
Development of a Social Network for People Without a Diagnosis (RarePairs): Evaluation Study
J Med.Internet.Res.,
Author count: 12
Moreira G.M.S.G., Köllner S.M.S., Helmsing S., Jänsch L., Meier A., Gronow S., Boedeker C., Dübel S., Mendonca M., Moreira Á.N., ... , Conceicao F.R., Hust M.
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex-enzyme 2, a new target for Listeria spp. detection identified using combined phage display technologies
Author count: 19
Slabik C., Kalbarczyk M., Danisch S., Zeidler R., Klawonn F., Volk V., Krönke N., Feuerhake F., Ferreira de Figueiredo C., Blasczyk R., Olbrich H., Theobald S.J., Schneider A., Ganser A., Von Kaisenberg C., Lienenklaus S., Bleich A., ... , Hammerschmidt W., Stripecke R.
CAR-T Cells Targeting Epstein-Barr Virus gp350 Validated in a Humanized Mouse Model of EBV Infection and Lymphoproliferative Disease
Author count: 7
Zafar M., Jahan H., Shafeeq S., Nimtz M., Jänsch L., ... , Römling U., Choudhary M.I.
Clarithromycin Exerts an Antibiofilm Effect against Salmonella typhimurium rdar Biofilm Formation, and Transforms the Physiology towards an Apparent Oxygen-depleted Energy and Carbon Metabolism
Author count: 11
Haselmann V., Özcürümez M.K., Klawonn F., Ast V., Gerhards C., Eichner R., Costina V., Dobler G., Geilenkeuser W.J., ... , Wölfel R., Neumaier M.
Results of the first pilot external quality assessment (EQA) scheme for anti-SARS-CoV2-antibody testing
Clin.Chem.Lab Med.,
Author count: 25
Frentrup M., Zhou Z., Steglich M., Meier-Kolthoff J.P., Göker M., Riedel T., Bunk B., Spröer C., Overmann J., Blaschitz M., Indra A., von Müller L., Kohl T.A., Niemann S., Seyboldt C., Klawonn F., Kumar N., Lawley T.D., García-Fernández S., Canton R., Del Campo R., Zimmermann O., Groß U., ... , Achtman M., Nübel U.
A publicly accessible database for Clostridioides difficile genome sequences supports tracing of transmission chains and epidemics
Author count: 23
Theobald S.J., Kreer C., Khailaie S., Bonifacius A., Eiz-Vesper B., Figueiredo C., MacH M., Backovic M., Ballmaier M., Koenig J., Olbrich H., Schneider A., Volk V., Danisch S., Gieselmann L., Ercanoglu M.S., Messerle M., Kaisenberg C.V., Witte T., Klawonn F., Meyer-Hermann M., ... , Klein F., Stripecke R.
Repertoire characterization and validation of gB-specific human IgGs directly cloned from humanized mice vaccinated with dendritic cells and protected against HCMV
PLoS Pathog.,
Author count: 6
Riese P., Trittel S., Pathirana R.D., Klawonn F., Cox R.J., Guzmán C.A.
Responsiveness to influenza vaccination correlates with nkg2c-expression on nk cells
Author count: 7
Palm J., Hoffmann G., Klawonn F., Tutarel O., Palm H., ... , Holdenrieder S., Ewert P.
Continuous, complete and comparable NT-proBNP reference ranges in healthy children
Clin.Chem.Lab Med.,
Author count: 5
Klünemann T., Nimtz M., Jänsch L., Layer G., Blankenfeldt W.
Crystal structure of NirF: Insights into its role in heme d1 biosynthesis
Author count: 10
Dominguez-Perez D., Almeida D., Wissing J., Machado A.M., Jänsch L., Castro L.F., Antunes A., Vasconcelos V., ... , Campos A., Cunha I.
The quantitative proteome of the cement and adhesive gland of the pedunculate barnacle, pollicipes pollicipes
Author count: 14
Böning M.A.L., Trittel S., Riese P., Van Ham M., Heyner M., Voss M., Parzmair G.P., Klawonn F., Jeron A., Guzmán C.A., Jänsch L., Schraven B., ... , Reinhold A., Bruder D.
ADAP Promotes Degranulation and Migration of NK Cells Primed During in vivo Listeria monocytogenes Infection in Mice
Author count: 12
de Araujo L.S., Pessler K., Suhs K.W., Novoselova N., Klawonn F., Kuhn M., Kaever V., Muller-Vahl K., Trebst C., Skripuletz T., ... , Stangel M., Pessler F.
Phosphatidylcholine PC ae C44:6 in cerebrospinal fluid is a sensitive biomarker for bacterial meningitis
Author count: 3
Bernal I., Van Ham M., Jänsch L.
Immune Monitoring of Human Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells by Quantitative Proteomics
Methods Mol.Biol.,
Author count: 10
Grigull L., Mehmecke S., Rother A.K., Blöß S., Klemann C., Schumacher U., Mücke U., Kortum X., ... , Lechner W., Klawonn F.
Common pre-diagnostic features in individuals with different rare diseases represent a key for diagnostic support with computerized pattern recognition?
PLoS One.,
Author count: 13
Kamal S.M., Rybtke M.L., Nimtz M., Sperlein S., Giske C., Trcek J., Deschamps J., Briandet R., Dini L., Jänsch L., Tolker-Nielsen T., ... , Lee C., Römling U.
Two FtsH proteases contribute to fitness and adaptation of pseudomonas aeruginosa Clone C strains
Author count: 6
Antenucci F., Magnowska Z., Nimtz M., Roesch C., Jänsch L., Bojesen A.M.
Immunoproteomic characterization of outer membrane vesicles from hyper-vesiculating Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Author count: 15
Klahn P., Fetz V., Ritter A., Collisi W., Hinkelmann B., Arnold T., Tegge W., Rox K., Hüttel S., Mohr K.I., Wink J., Stadler M., Wissing J., ... , Jänsch L., Brönstrup M.
The nuclear export inhibitor aminoratjadone is a potent effector in extracellular-targeted drug conjugates
Author count: 2
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F.
Indirekte Überprüfung von Referenzintervallen - Leberwerte in neuem Licht
Trillium Diagnostik,
Author count: 9
Ünal C.M., Karagoz M.S., Berges M., Priebe C., Borrero de Acuna J.M., Wissing J., Jänsch L., ... , Jahn D., Steinert M.
Pleiotropic Clostridioides difficile Cyclophilin PpiB Controls Cysteine-Tolerance, Toxin Production, the Central Metabolism and Multiple Stress Responses
Front Pharmacol.,
Author count: 11
Sieg A.L., Martin Das A., Maria Muschol N., Köhn A., Lampe C., Kortum X., Mehmecke S., Blöß S., Lechner W., ... , Klawonn F., Grigull L.
Artificial intelligence for diagnostic support in selected rare lysosomal storage disorders: Results of a pilot study
Author count: 6
Costa J., Gatermann M., Nimtz M., Kandzia S., Glatzel M., Conradt H.S.
N-Glycosylation of Extracellular Vesicles from HEK-293 and Glioma Cell Lines
Author count: 4
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F., Lichtinghagen R., Orth M.
Letter to the editor by Winter et al.: Reply
Author count: 7
Li F., Cimdins A., Rohde M., Jänsch L., Kaever V., ... , Nimtz M., Römling U.
DncV Synthesizes Cyclic GMP-AMP and Regulates Biofilm Formation and Motility in Escherichia coli ECOR31
Author count: 16
Döring M., Blees H., Koller N., Tischer-Zimmermann S., Müsken M., Henrich F., Becker J., Grabski E., Wang J., Janssen H., Zuschratter W., Neefjes J., Klawonn F., Eiz-Vesper B., ... , Tampe R., Kalinke U.
Modulation of TAP-dependent antigen compartmentalization during human monocyte-to-DC differentiation
Blood Adv.,
Author count: 7
Franke R., Hinkelmann B., Fetz V., Stradal T., Sasse F., ... , Klawonn F., Brönstrup M.
xCELLanalyzer: A Framework for the Analysis of Cellular Impedance Measurements for Mode of Action Discovery
Author count: 7
Costa J., Streich L., Pinto S., Pronto-Laborinho A., Nimtz M., ... , Conradt H.S., de Carvalho M.
Exploring Cerebrospinal Fluid IgG N-Glycosylation as Potential Biomarker for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Mol Neurobiol.,
Author count: 9
Caputo M., Zoch-Lesniak B., Karch A., Vital M., Meyer F., Klawonn F., Baillot A., ... , Pieper D.H., Mikolajczyk R.T.
Bacterial community structure and effects of picornavirus infection on the anterior nares microbiome in early childhood
Author count: 11
Sieg A.L., Martin Das A., Maria Muschol N., Köhn A., Lampe C., Kortum X., Mehmecke S., Blöß S., Lechner W., ... , Klawonn F., Grigull L.
Künstliche Intelligenz zur diagnostischen Unterstützung ausgewählter seltener lysosomaler Speichererkrankungen: Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie. [Artificial intelligence for diagnostic support in selected rare lysosomal storage disorders: Results of a pilot study]
Author count: 5
Kortum X., Grigull L., Muecke U., Lechner W., Klawonn F.
Improving the Decision Support in Diagnostic Systems Using Classifier Probability Calibration
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)),
11314 LNCS
Author count: 3
Ambrosch A., Wahrburg K., Klawonn F.
Bacterial load and pathogenic species on healthcare personnel attire: implications of alcohol hand-rub use, profession, and time of duty
J Hosp Infect,
Author count: 9
Bernal I., Hofmann J.D., Bulitta B., Klawonn F., Michel A.M., Jahn D., Neumann-Schaal M., ... , Bruder D., Jänsch L.
Clostridioides difficile activates human mucosal-associated invariant t cells
Author count: 7
Surup F., Halecker S., Nimtz M., Rodrigo S., Schulz B., ... , Steinert M., Stadler M.
Hyfraxins A and B, cytotoxic ergostane-type steroid and lanostane triterpenoid glycosides from the invasive ash dieback ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
Author count: 13
Lang D., Schott B.H., Van Ham M., Morton L., Kulikovskaja L., Herrera-Molina R., Pielot R., Klawonn F., Montag D., Jänsch L., Gundelfinger E.D., ... , Smalla K.H., Dunay I.R.
Chronic Toxoplasma infection is associated with distinct alterations in the synaptic protein composition
Author count: 5
Roth G., Vanz A.L., Lünsdorf H., Nimtz M., Rinas U.
Fate of the UPR marker protein Kar2/Bip and autophagic processes in fed-batch cultures of secretory insulin precursor producing Pichia pastoris
Microb.Cell Fact.,
Author count: 11
Voigt J., Malone D.F.G., Dias J., Leeansyah E., Björkstrom N.K., Ljunggren H.G., Gröbe L., Klawonn F., Heyner M., ... , Sandberg J.K., Jänsch L.
Proteome analysis of human CD56(neg) NK cells reveals a homogeneous phenotype surprisingly similar to CD56(dim) NK cells
Author count: 9
Bietenbeck A., Geilenkeuser W.J., Klawonn F., Spannagl M., Nauck M., Petersmann A., Thaler M.A., ... , Winter C., Luppa P.B.
External quality assessment schemes for glucose measurements in Germany: Factors for successful participation, analytical performance and medical impact
Author count: 11
Gromova K.V., Muhia M., Rothammer N., Gee C.E., Thies E., Schaefer I., Kress S., Kilimann M.W., Shevchuk O., ... , Oertner T.G., Kneussel M.
Neurobeachin and the Kinesin KIF21B Are Critical for Endocytic Recycling of NMDA Receptors and Regulate Social Behavior
Cell Rep.,
Author count: 11
Groenewold M.K., Massmig M., Hebecker S., Danne L., Magnowska Z., Nimtz M., Narberhaus F., Jahn D., Heinz D.W., ... , Jänsch L., Moser J.
A phosphatidic acid binding protein is important for lipid homeostasis and adaptation to anaerobic biofilm conditions in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Author count: 8
Bulitta B., Zuschratter W., Bernal I., Bruder D., Klawonn F., von Bergen M., ... , Garritsen H.S.P., Jänsch L.
Proteomic definition of human mucosal-associated invariant T cells determines their unique molecular effector phenotype
Author count: 10
Kremling A., Goehler A., Jahreis K., Nees M., Auerbach B., Schmidt-Heck W., Kökpinar Í., Geffers R., ... , Rinas U., Bettenbrock K.
Analysis and design of stimulus response curves of E. coli
Author count: 6
Quaas B., Burmeister L., Li Z., Nimtz M., Hoffmann A., Rinas U.
Properties of dimeric, disulfide-linked rhBMP-2 recovered from E. coli derived inclusion bodies by mild extraction or chaotropic solubilization and subsequent refolding
Process Biochem.,
Author count: 14
Bussey K.A., Lau U., Schumann S., Gallo A., Osbelt L., Stempel M., Arnold C., Wissing J., Gad H.H., Hartmann R., Brune W., Jänsch L., ... , Whitehouse A., Brinkmann M.M.
The interferon-stimulated gene product oligoadenylate synthetase-like protein enhances replication of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and interacts with the KSHV ORF20 protein
Author count: 7
Ambrosch A., Klinger A., Luber D., Arp C., Lepiorz M., ... , Schroll S., Klawonn F.
[Clinical Characteristics and Course of Infections by Influenza A- and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in Hospitalized Adults] Symptomatologie und klinischer Verlauf bei hospitalisierten Erwachsenen mit Virusinfektionen durch Influenza A und Respiratory Syncytial-Virus (RSV)
Author count: 9
Kaufmann P., Duffus B.R., Mitrova B., Iobbi-Nivol C., Teutloff C., Nimtz M., Jänsch L., ... , Wollenberger U., Leimkühler S.
Modulating the Molybdenum Coordination Sphere of Escherichia coli Trimethylamine N-Oxide Reductase
Author count: 9
Kuhn M., Sühs K.W., Akmatov M.K., Klawonn F., Wang J., Skripuletz T., Kaever V., ... , Stangel M., Pessler F.
Mass-spectrometric profiling of cerebrospinal fluid reveals metabolite biomarkers for CNS involvement in varicella zoster virus reactivation
Author count: 5
Klawonn F., Wang J., Koch I., Eberhard J., Omar M.
HAUCA curves for the evaluation of biomarker pilot studies with small sample sizes and large numbers of features
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics,
Author count: 4
Bakuli A., Klawonn F., Karch A., Mikolajczyk R.
Effects of pathogen dependency in a multi-pathogen infectious disease system including population level heterogeneity - a simulation study
Author count: 5
Croce P., Marsili F., Klawonn F., Formichi P., Landi F.
Evaluation of statistical parameters of concrete strength from secondary experimental test data
Constr Build Mater,
Author count: 12
Lee C., Franke K.B., Kamal S.M., Kim H., Lünsdorf H., Jager J., Nimtz M., Trcek J., Jänsch L., Bukau B., ... , Mogk A., Römling U.
Stand-alone ClpG disaggregase confers superior heat tolerance to bacteria
Author count: 1
Klawonn F.
Exploring time-resolved data for patterns and validating single clusters
Studies in Computational Intelligence,
Author count: 8
Litschko C., Linkner J., Bruhmann S., Stradal T.E.B., Reinl T., Jänsch L., ... , Rottner K., Faix J.
Differential functions of WAVE regulatory complex subunits in the regulation of actin-driven processes
Eur.J.Cell Biol.,
Author count: 17
Van Ham M., Teich R., Philipsen L., Niemz J., Amsberg N., Wissing J., Nimtz M., Grobe L., Kliche S., Thiel N., Klawonn F., Hubo M., Jonuleit H., Reichardt P., Muller A.J., ... , Hühn J., Jänsch L.
TCR signalling network organization at the immunological synapses of murine regulatory T cells
Author count: 30
Zeller M.P., Barty R., Aandahl A., Apelseth T.O., Callum J., Dunbar N.M., Elahie A., Garritsen H., Hancock H., Kutner J.M., Manukian B., Mizuta S., Okuda M., Pagano M.B., Poglod R., Rushford K., Selleng K., Sorensen C.H., Sprogoe U., Staves J., Weiland T., Wendel S., Wood E.M., van de Watering L., van Wordragen-Vlaswinkel M., Ziman A., Jan Zwaginga J., Murphy M.F., ... , Heddle N.M., Yazer M.H.
An international investigation into O red blood cell unit administration in hospitals: the GRoup O Utilization Patterns (GROUP) study
Author count: 3
Li Z., Nimtz M., Rinas U.
Global proteome response of Escherichia coli BL21 to production of human basic fribroblast growth factor in complex and defined medium
Engineering in Life Sciences,
Author count: 5
Kortum X., Grigull L., Muecke U., Lechner W., Klawonn F.
Diagnosis support for orphan diseases - a case study using a classifier fusion method
Author count: 11
Niemz J., Kliche S., Pils M.C., Morrison E., Manns A., Freund C., Crittenden J.R., Graybiel A.M., Galla M., ... , Jänsch L., Hühn J.
The Guanine-Nucleotide Exchange Factor Caldag Gefi Fine-Tunes Functional Properties of Regulatory T Cells
Author count: 8
Boehme J.D., Stegemann-Koniszewski S., Autengruber A., Peters N., Wissing J., Jänsch L., ... , Jeron A., Bruder D.
Chronic lung inflammation primes humoral immunity and augments antipneumococcal resistance
Author count: 4
Bietenbeck A., Thaler M.A., Luppa P.B., Klawonn F.
Stronger Together: Aggregated Z-values of Traditional Quality Control Measurements and Patient Medians Improve Detection of Biases
Author count: 10
Lingel H., Wissing J., Arra A., Schanze D., Lienenklaus S., Klawonn F., Pierau M., Zenker M., ... , Jänsch L., Brunner-Weinzierl M.C.
CTLA-4-mediated posttranslational modifications direct cytotoxic T-lymphocyte differentiation
Cell Death.Differ.,
Author count: 3
Biswas S., Sarkar A., Misra R.
Iron affinity gel and gallium immobilized metal affinity chromatographic technique for phosphopeptide enrichment: a comparative study
Author count: 5
Preusse M., Schughart K., Wilk E., Klawonn F., Pessler F.
Hematological parameters in the early phase of influenza A virus infection in differentially susceptible inbred mouse strains Infectious Diseases
BMC Res.Notes,
Author count: 3
Gangula S., Nimtz M., Mischnick P.
Relative ion intensities of maltooligosaccharide ethers in electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry: A quantitative evaluation
Int.J.Mass Spectrom.,
Author count: 8
Mücke U., Klemann C., Baumann U., Meyer-Bahlburg A., Kortum X., Klawonn F., ... , Lechner W.M., Grigull L.
Patient's Experience in Pediatric Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders: Computerized Classification of Questionnaires
Front Immunol.,
Author count: 8
Stieber C., Mucke M., Windheuser I.C., Grigull L., Klawonn F., Tunc S., ... , Munchau A., Klockgether T.
[On the fast track to diagnosis : Recommendations for patients without a diagnosis]
Author count: 6
Dreiseikelmann B., Bunk B., Sproer C., Rohde M., Nimtz M., Wittmann J.
Characterization and genome comparisons of three Achromobacter phages of the family Siphoviridae
Author count: 12
Blöß S., Klemann C., Rother A.K., Mehmecke S., Schumacher U., Mücke U., Mücke M., Stieber C., Klawonn F., Kortum X., ... , Lechner W., Grigull L.
Diagnostic needs for rare diseases and shared prediagnostic phenomena: Results of a German-wide expert Delphi survey
Author count: 4
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F., Lichtinghagen R., Orth M.
[The zlog-value as basis for the standardization of laboratory results] Der zlog-Wert als Basis für die Standardisierung von Laborwerten
Author count: 2
Tschumitschew K., Klawonn F.
Effects of drift and noise on the optimal sliding window size for data stream regression models
Commun Stat Theory Methods,
Author count: 2
Hoffmann G., Klawonn F.
Big Data in der Labormedizin: Von der Utopie zur Strategie
Trillum Diagnostik,
Author count: 4
Abidi N., Franke R., Findeisen P., Klawonn F.
Alignment of time-resolved data from high throughput experiments
J.Bioinformatics Comput.Biol.,
Author count: 4
Nguyen V.K., Klawonn F., Mikolajczyk R., Hernandez-Vargas E.A.
Analysis of practical identifiability of a viral infection model
Author count: 1
Klawonn F.
Exploring Data Sets for Clusters and Validating Single Clusters
Procedia Computer Science,
Author count: 2
Kayser H., Nimtz M.
Farnesyl biliverdins IXa are novel ligands of biliproteins from moths of the Noctuoidea superfamily: A chemosystematic view of the Lepidoptera
Insect Biochem.Mol.Biol.,
Author count: 6
Omar M., Klawonn F., Brand S., Stiesch M., Krettek C., Eberhard J.
Transcriptome-Wide High-Density Microarray Analysis Reveals Differential Gene Transcription in Periprosthetic Tissue From Hips With Chronic Periprosthetic Joint Infection vs Aseptic Loosening
J Arthroplasty,
Author count: 6
Kummer A., Nishanth G., Koschel J., Klawonn F., Schluter D., Jänsch L.
Listeriosis down-regulates hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes in sub-lethal murine infection
Proteomics Clin.Appl.,
Author count: 12
Khaledi A., Schniederjans M., Pohl S., Rainer R., Bodenhofer U., Xia B., Klawonn F., Bruchmann S., Preusse M., Eckweiler D., ... , Dötsch A., Häußler S.
Transcriptome profiling of antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Antimicrobial Agents Chemother.,
Author count: 9
Hartmann T., Schrapers P., Utesch T., Nimtz M., Rippers Y., Dau H., Mroginski M.A., ... , Haumann M., Leimkühler S.
The Molybdenum Active Site of Formate Dehydrogenase Is Capable of Catalyzing C-H Bond Cleavage and Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions
Author count: 1
Klawonn F.
What can fuzzy cluster analysis contribute to clustering of high-dimensional data?
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),
8256 LNAI
Author count: 4
König J., Grigull L., Fritsch H.-W., Klawonn F.
IT support in the diagnosis of rare diseases - Shorter diagnostic pathways and rapid data clustering in complicated cases [IT-Unterstützung zur Diagnosefindung seltener Erkrankungen - Umfassende Datenanalyse bei komplexen Fällen]
Der Klinikarzt,
Author count: 3
Klawonn F., Höppner F., Jayaram B.
What are clusters in high dimensions and are they difficult to find?
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Author count: 4
Zhang X., Klawonn F., Grigull L., Lechner W.
VoQs: A web application for visualization of questionnaire surveys
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Author count: 8
Thumfart J.O., Abidi N., Mindt S., Costina V., Hofheinz R., Klawonn F., ... , Neumaier M., Findeisen P.
LC/MS based monitoring of endogenous decay markers for quality assessment of serum specimens
J Proteomics Bioinform,
Author count: 13
Grigull L., Lechner W., Petri S., Kollewe K., Dengler R., Mehmecke S., Schumacher U., Lucke T., Schneider-Gold C., Kohler C., Guttsches A.K., ... , Kortum X., Klawonn F.
Diagnostic support for selected neuromuscular diseases using answer-pattern recognition and data mining techniques: a proof of concept multicenter prospective trial
BMC Med.Inform.Decis.Mak.,
Author count: 9
Borrero-de Acuna J.M., Rohde M., Wissing J., Jänsch L., Schobert M., Molinari G., Timmis K.N., ... , Jahn M., Jahn D.
The Protein Network of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Denitrification Apparatus
J Bacteriol.,
Author count: 4
Seeger B., Klawonn F., Nguema Bekale B., Steinberg P.
Mixture Effects of Estrogenic Pesticides at the Human Estrogen Receptor a[alpha] and b[beta]
Author count: 4
Seeger B., Klawonn F., Bekale B.N., Steinberg P.
The ability of the YAS and AR CALUX assays to detect the additive effects of anti-androgenic fungicide mixtures
Author count: 4
Kayser H., Nimtz M., Ringler P., Müller S.A.
Very high-density lipoprotein and vitellin as carriers of novel biliverdins IXa[alpha] with a farnesyl side-chain presumably derived from heme A in Spodoptera littoralis
Insect Biochem.Mol.Biol.,
Author count: 3
Klawonn F., Kruse R., Winkler R.
Fuzzy clustering: More than just fuzzification
Fuzzy Sets Syst,
Author count: 6
Casilag F., Lorenz A., Kruger J., Klawonn F., Weiss S., Häußler S.
The LasB elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa acts in concert with alkaline protease AprA to prevent flagellin-mediated immune recognition
Author count: 12
Düvel J., Bense S., Möller S., Bertinetti D., Schwede F., Morr M., Eckweiler D., Genieser H.G., Jänsch L., Herberg F.W., ... , Frank R., Häußler S.
Application of synthetic peptide arrays to uncover cyclic Di-GMP binding motifs
J Bacteriol.,
Author count: 11
Borrero-de Acuna J.M., Molinari G., Rohde M., Dammeyer T., Wissing J., Jänsch L., Arias S., Jahn M., Schobert M., ... , Timmis K.N., Jahn D.
A periplasmic complex of the nitrite reductase NirS, the chaperone DnaK, and the flagellum protein FliC is essential for flagellum assembly and motility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Author count: 9
Wirsing L., Klawonn F., Sassen W.A., Lünsdorf H., Probst C., Hust M., Mendel R.R., ... , Kruse T., Jänsch L.
Linear Discriminant Analysis Identifies Mitochondrially Localized Proteins in Neurospora crassa
J Proteome.Res,
Author count: 6
Rother A.K., Schwerk N., Brinkmann F., Klawonn F., Lechner W., Grigull L.
Diagnostic Support for Selected Paediatric Pulmonary Diseases Using Answer-Pattern Recognition in Questionnaires Based on Combined Data Mining Applications-A Monocentric Observational Pilot Study
Author count: 3
Novoselova N., Wang J., Klawonn F.
Optimized leaf ordering with class labels for hierarchical clustering
J.Bioinformatics Comput.Biol.,
Author count: 2
Tschumitschew K., Klawonn F.
Incremental statistical measures
Author count: 12
Lee C., Wigren E., Trcek J., Peters V., Kim J., Hasni M.S., Nimtz M., Lindqvist Y., Park C., Curth U., ... , Lünsdorf H., Römling U.
A novel protein quality control mechanism contributes to heat shock resistance of world-wide distributed Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone C strains
Author count: 3
Winkler R., Klawonn F., Kruse R.
Prototype based fuzzy clustering algorithms in high-dimendional features spaces
Studies in Fuzzines and Soft Computing,
Author count: 9
Castelle C.J., Roger M., Bauzan M., Brugna M., Lignon S., Nimtz M., Golyshina O.V., ... , Giudici-Orticoni M.T., Guiral M.
The aerobic respiratory chain of the acidophilic archaeon Ferroplasma acidiphilum: A membrane-bound complex oxidizing ferrous iron
Author count: 10
Ringel P., Probst C., Dammeyer T., Buchmeier S., Jänsch L., Wissing J., Tinnefeld P., Mendel R.R., ... , Jockusch B.M., Kruse T.
Enzymatic characterization of recombinant nitrate reductase expressed and purified from Neurospora crassa
Fungal Genet.Biol.,
Author count: 8
Worthmann H., Tryc A.B., Dirks M., Schuppner R., Brand K., Klawonn F., ... , Lichtinghagen R., Weissenborn K.
Lipopolysaccharide binding protein, interleukin-10, interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein blood levels in acute ischemic stroke patients with post-stroke infection
Author count: 4
Lanfermann I., Linke D., Nimtz M., Berger R.G.
Manganese Peroxidases from Ganoderma applanatum Degrade b[beta]-Carotene Under Alkaline Conditions
Author count: 7
Schweitzer A., Della Beffa C., Akmatov M.K., Narchi H., Abaev Y.K., ... , Sherry D.D., Pessler F.
Primary Osteomyelitis of the Sternum in the Pediatric Age Group: Report of a New Case and Comprehensive Analysis of Seventy-four Cases
Author count: 4
Milanez-Almeida P., Klawonn F., Meyer-Hermann M., Hühn J.
Differential control of immune cell homeostasis by Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells in murine peripheral lymph nodes and spleen
Eur.J Microbiol.Immunol.(Bp),
Author count: 10
Rand U., Riedel J., Hillebrand U., Shin D., Willenberg S., Behme S., Klawonn F., Köster M., ... , Hauser H., Wirth D.
Single-cell analysis reveals heterogeneity in onset of transgene expression from synthetic tetracycline-dependent promoters
Author count: 7
Linke D., Leonhardt R., Eisele N., Petersen L.M., Riemer S., ... , Nimtz M., Berger R.G.
Carotene-degrading activities from Bjerkandera adusta possess an application in detergent industries
Author count: 8
Wu Ching-Fang, Andzinski Lisa, Kasnitz Nadine, Kröger Andrea, Klawonn Frank, Lienenklaus Stefan, ... , Weiss Siegfried, Jablonska Jadwiga
The lack of type I interferon induces neutrophil-mediated pre-metastatic niche formation in the mouse lung
International Journal of Cancer,
Author count: 12
Szafranski S.P., Wos-Oxley M.L., Vilchez-Vargas R., Jauregui R., Plumeier I., Klawonn F., Tomasch J., Meisinger C., Kühnisch J., Sztajer H., ... , Pieper D.H., Wagner-Döbler I.
High-resolution taxonomic profiling of the subgingival microbiome for biomarker discovery and periodontitis diagnosis
Author count: 13
Altun M., Walter T.S., Kramer H.B., Herr P., Iphöfer A., Boström J., David Y., Komsany A., Ternette N., Navon A., Stuart D.I., ... , Ren J., Kessler B.M.
The human otubain2-ubiquitin structure provides insights into the cleavage specificity of poly-ubiquitin-linkages
Author count: 2
Montvida O., Klawonn Frank
Relative cost curves: An alternative to AUC and an extension to 3-class problems
Author count: 9
Shevchuk Olga, Abidi Nada, Klawonn Frank, Wissing Josef, Nimtz Manfred, Kugler C., Steinert M., ... , Goldmann T., Jänsch Lothar
HOPE-fixation of lung tissue allows retrospective proteome and phosphoproteome studies
Journal of Proteome Research,
Author count: 7
Schreiber L., Pietzsch B., Flöß S., Farah C., Jänsch L., ... , Schmitz I., Hühn J.
The Treg-specific demethylated region stabilizes Foxp3 expression independently of NF-?B signaling
Author count: 9
Bui T.H., Wray Victor, Nimtz Manfred, Fossen T., Preisitsch M., Schröder G., Wende K., ... , Heiden S.E., Mundt S.
Balticidins A-D, antifungal hassallidin-like lipopeptides from the Baltic Sea cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica Bio33
Journal of Natural Products,
Author count: 4
Linke D., Lehnert N., Nimtz Manfred, Berger R.G.
An alcohol oxidase of Phanerochaete chrysosporium with a distinct glycerol oxidase activity
Enzyme Microbial Technology,
Author count: 3
Kayser H., Wray Victor, Nimtz Manfred
Structure of a novel farnesylated bilin from an insect - Formation by ?-cleavage of heme A of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidases?
FEBS Journal,
Author count: 4
Magnowska Z., Hartmann I., Jänsch Lothar, Jahn D.
Membrane Proteomics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Methods in Molecular Biology,
Author count: 7
Sztajer H., Szafranski S.P., Tomasch Jürgen, Reck Michael, Nimtz Manfred, ... , Rohde Manfred, Wagner-Döbler Irene
Cross-feeding and interkingdom communication in dual-species biofilms of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans
ISME Journal,
Author count: 13
Niggemann Jutta, Bozko P., Bruns Nicole, Wodtke Anne, Gieseler M.T., Thomas K., Jahns C., Nimtz Manfred, Reupke I., Brüser T., Auling G., ... , Malek N., Kalesse Markus
Baceridin, a cyclic hexapeptide from an epiphytic bacillus strain, inhibits the proteasome
Author count: 6
Novoselova N., Della Beffa Cristina, Wang Junxi, Li J., Pessler Frank, Klawonn Frank
HUM calculator and HUM package for R: easy-to-use software tools for multicategory receiver operating characteristic analysis
Author count: 5
Nieter A., Haase-Aschoff P., Linke D., Nimtz Manfred, Berger R.G.
A halotolerant type A feruloyl esterase from Pleurotus eryngii
Fungal Biology,
Author count: 10
Kleine-Ostmann T., Jastrow C., Baaske K., Heinen B., Schwerdtfeger M., Kärst Uwe, Hintzsche H., Stopper H., ... , Koch M., Schrader T.
Field exposure and dosimetry in the thz frequency range
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology,
Author count: 5
Preusse M., Tantawy M.A., Klawonn F., Schughart K., Pessler F.
Infection- and procedure-dependent effects on pulmonary gene expression in the early phase of influenza A virus infection in mice
BMC Microbiology,
Author count: 7
Probst C., Ringel P., Boysen V., Wirsing Lisette, Alexander M.M., ... , Mendel R.R., Kruse T.
Genetic characterization of the Neurospora crassa molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis
Fungal Genetics and Biology,
Author count: 3
Vanz A.L., Nimtz M., Rinas U.
Decrease of UPR- and ERAD-related proteins in Pichia pastoris during methanol-induced secretory insulin precursor production in controlled fed-batch cultures
Microbial Cell Factories,
Author count: 2
Ince K., Klawonn Frank
Decision and regression trees in the context of attributes with different granularity levels
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing,
Author count: 2
Ince K., Klawonn Frank
Handling different levels of granularity within naive Bayes classifiers
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
8206 LNCS
Author count: 2
Tschumitschew K., Klawonn Frank
High against low quantile comparison for biomarker and classifier evalution
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
8206 LNCS
Author count: 8
Jäger J., Marwitz S., Tiefenau J., Rasch J., Shevchuk Olga, Kugler C., ... , Goldmann T., Steinert M.
Human lung tissue explants reveal novel interactions during Legionella pneumophila infections
Infection and Immunity,
Author count: 5
Haase-Aschoff P., Linke D., Nimtz Manfred, Popper L., Berger R.G.
An enzyme from Auricularia auricula-judae combining both benzoyl and cinnamoyl esterase activity
Process Biochemistry,
Author count: 16
Elsaman A.M., Radwan A.R., Akmatov M.K., Della Beffa C., Walker A., Mayer C.T., Dai L., Nativ S., Rygg M., Atsali E., Saijo K., Ogdie A.R., Srinivasulu N., Fathi N., ... , Schumacher H.R., Pessler F.
Amyloid arthropathy associated with multiple myeloma: A systematic analysis of 101 reported cases
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism,
Author count: 3
Abidi N., Klawonn Frank, Thumfart J.O.
Time point estimation of a single sample from high throughput experiments based on time-resolved data and robust correlation measures
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)),
Author count: 13
Gamrekelashvili J., Kapanadze T., Han M., Wissing J., Ma C., Jänsch Lothar, Manns M.P., Armstrong T., Jaffee E., White A.O., Citrin D.E., ... , Korangy F., Greten T.F.
Peptidases released by necrotic cells control CD8+ T cell cross-priming
Journal of Clinical Investigation,
Author count: 5
Klawonn F., Jayaram B., Crull K., Kukita A., Pessler F.
Analysis of contingency tables based on generalized median polish with power transformations and non-additive models
Health Information Science & Systems,
Author count: 7
Vanz A.L., Lünsdorf H., Adnan A., Nimtz M., Gurramkonda C., ... , Khanna N., Rinas U.
Physiological response of Pichia pastoris GS115 to methanol-induced high level production of the Hepatitis B surface antigen: catabolic adaptation, stress responses, and autophagic processes
Microbial Cell Factories,
Author count: 4
Kaba H.E., Nimtz Manfred, Müller Peter P., Bilitewski Ursula
Involvement of the mitogen activated protein kinase Hog1p in the response of Candida albicans to iron availability
BMC Microbiology,
Author count: 8
Della Beffa Cristina, Slansky E., Pommerenke C., Klawonn Frank, Li J., Dai L., ... , Schumacher H.R. Jr., Pessler Frank
The relative composition of the inflammatory infiltrate as an additional tool for synovial tissue classification
Author count: 14
Tielen P., Rosin N., Meyer A.K., Dohnt K., Haddad I., Jänsch Lothar, Klein J., Narten M., Pommerenke C., Scheer M., Schobert M., Schomburg D., ... , Thielen B., Jahn D.
Regulatory and Metabolic Networks for the Adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Author count: 6
Linke D., Matthes R., Nimtz Manfred, Zorn H., Bunzel M., Berger R.G.
An esterase from the basidiomycete Pleurotus sapidus
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
Author count: 3
Bodenhofer U., Krone M., Klawonn Frank
Testing noisy numerical data for monotonic association
Information Sciences,
Author count: 11
Nicke T., Schnitzer T., Münch K., Adamczack J., Haufschildt K., Buchmeier S., Kucklick M., Felgenträger Undine, Jänsch Lothar, ... , Riedel K., Layer G.
Maturation of the cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase NirS from Pseudomonas aeruginosa requires transient interactions between the three proteins NirS, NirN and NirF
Bioscience Reports,
Author count: 1
Klawonn Frank
Case-centred multidimensional scaling for classification visualisation in medical diagnosis
Author count: 10
Dahl J.U., Radon C., Buhning M., Nimtz Manfred, Leichert L.I., Denis Y., Jourlin-Castelli C., Iobbi-Nivol C., ... , Mejean V., Leimkuhler S.
The sulfur carrier protein TusA has a pleiotropic role in Escherichia coli
Journal of Biological Chemistry,
Author count: 9
Scheiter Maxi, Lau Ulrike, van Ham Marco, Bulitta Björn, Gröbe Lothar, Garritsen H., Klawonn Frank, ... , Konig S., Jänsch Lothar
Proteome analysis of distinct developmental stages of human natural killer (NK) cells
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics,
Author count: 6
Zelena K., Takenberg M., Lunkenbein S., Woche S.K., Nimtz Manfred, Berger R.G.
PfaH2: A novel hydrophobin from the ascomycete Paecilomyces farinosus
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry,
Author count: 23
Wuestefeld T., Pesic M., Rudalska R., Dauch D., Longerich T., Kang T.W., Yevsa T., Heinzmann F., Hoenicke L., Hohmeyer A., Potapova A., Rittelmeier I., Jarek Michael, Geffers Robert, Scharfe Maren, Klawonn Frank, Schirmacher P., Malek N.P., Ott M., Nordheim A., Vogel A., ... , Manns M.P., Zender L.
A direct in vivo RNAi screen identifies MKK4 as a key regulator of liver regeneration
Author count: 9
Nedelko T., Kollmus H., Klawonn F., Spijker S., Lu L., Hessman M., Alberts R., ... , Williams R.W., Schughart K.
Distinct gene loci control the host response to influenza H1N1 virus infection in a time-dependent manner
Author count: 3
Winkler R., Kruse R., Klawonn Frank
A New Distance Function for Fuzzy c-Means Clustering in High-Dimensional Spaces with Applications in S.O.D.A.
Author count: 2
Tschumitschew K., Klawonn Frank
Change Detection Based on the Distribution of p-Values
Author count: 6
Scheiter Maxi, Bulitta Björn, van Ham Marco, Klawonn Frank, Konig S., Jänsch Lothar
Protein Kinase Inhibitors CK59 and CID755673 Alter Primary Human NK Cell Effector Functions
Frontiers in Immunology,
Author count: 11
Hintzsche H., Jastrow C., Heinen B., Baaske K., Kleine-Ostmann T., Schwerdtfeger M., Shakfa M.K., Kärst Uwe, Koch M., ... , Schrader T., Stopper H.
Terahertz Radiation at 0.380 THz and 2.520 THz Does Not Lead to DNA Damage in Skin Cells In Vitro
Radiation Research,
Author count: 7
Pustelny C., Brouwer S., Musken M., Bielecka A., Dotsch A., ... , Nimtz Manfred, Häußler Susanne
The peptide chain release factor methyltransferase PrmC is essential for pathogenicity and environmental adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14
Environmental Microbiology,
Author count: 7
Grigull L., Betzel C., Schumacher U., Rother A.-K., Mücke U., ... , Klawonn F., Lechner W.M.
Should paediatricians use a computer to receive diagnostic support? [Sollten Kinderärzte zur Unterstützung bei der Diagnostik einen Computer nutzen?]
Pediatrische Praxis,
Author count: 6
Kumar A., Saini S., Wray V., Nimtz Manfred, Prakash A., Johri B.N.
Characterization of an antifungal compound produced by Bacillus sp. strain A(5) F that inhibits Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Journal of Basic Microbiology,
Author count: 2
Jayaram B., Klawonn Frank
Can unbounded distance measures mitigate the curse of dimensionality?
International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management,
Author count: 4
Johl T., Nimtz Manfred, Jänsch Lothar, Klawonn Frank
Detecting glycosylations in complex samples
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,
381 AICT (Part 1)
Author count: 2
Jayaram B., Klawonn Frank
Generalised median Polish based on additive generators
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
190 AISC
Author count: 4
Klawonn F., Abidi N., Berger E., Jänsch Lothar*
Curve fitting for short time series data from high throughput experiments with correction for biological variation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
LNCS 7619
Author count: 2
Jayaram B., Klawonn Frank
Can fuzzy clustering avoid local minima and undesired partitions?
Studies in Computational Intelligence,
Author count: 6
Hintzsche H., Jastrow C., Kleine-Ostmann T., Kärst Uwe, Schrader T., Stopper H.
Terahertz Electromagnetic Fields (0.106 THz) Do Not Induce Manifest Genomic Damage In Vitro
Author count: 1
Klawonn Frank
Significance tests to identify regulated proteins based on a large number of small samples
Author count: 6
König S., Nimtz Manfred, Scheiter M., Ljunggren H.G., Bryceson Y.T., Jänsch Lothar
Kinome analysis of receptor-induced phosphorylation in human natural killer cells
Author count: 22
Hain T., Ghai R., Billion A., Kuenne C.T., Steinweg C., Izar B., Mohamed W., Mraheil M.A., Domann E., Schaffrath S., Kärst Uwe, Goesmann A., Oehm S., Puhler A., Merkl R., Vorwerk S., Glaser P., Garrido P., Rusniok C., Buchrieser C., ... , Goebel W., Chakraborty T.
Comparative genomics and transcriptomics of lineages I, II, and III strains of Listeria monocytogenes
Author count: 13
von Zur Muhlen C., Schiffer E., Sackmann C., Zurbig P., Neudorfer I., Zirlik A., Htun N., Iphofer A., Jänsch Lothar, Mischak H., Bode C., ... , Chen Y.C., Peter K.
Urine Proteome Analysis Reflects Atherosclerotic Disease in an ApoE-/- Mouse Model and Allows the Discovery of New Candidate Biomarkers in Mouse and Human Atherosclerosis
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics,
Author count: 7
König S., Probst-Kepper M., Reinl T., Jeron A., Hühn Jochen, ... , Schraven B., Jänsch Lothar
First insight into the kinome of human regulatory T cells
Author count: 10
Iphofer A., Kummer A., Nimtz Manfred, Ritter A., Arnold T., Frank R., van den Heuvel Joop, Kessler B.M., ... , Jänsch Lothar, Franke R.
Profiling ubiquitin linkage specificities of deubiquitinating enzymes with branched ubiquitin isopeptide probes
Author count: 4
Gernert C., Berger E., Klawonn F., Jänsch Lothar
Tackling misleading peptide regulation fold changes in quantitative proteomics
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,
Author count: 10
Kleine-Ostmann T., Jastrow C., Salhi M., Schrader T., Hintzsche H., Stopper H., Kärst Uwe*, Heinen B., ... , Baaske K., Koch M.
In vitro field exposition of skin cells between 100 GHz and 2.52 THz
Author count: 6
Teutschbein J., Gross W., Nimtz Manfred*, Milkowski C., Hause B., Strack D.
Identification and localization of a lipase-like acyltransferase in phenylpropanoid metabolism of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)1
Journal of Biological Chemistry,
Author count: 7
Fraatz M.A., Riemer S.J.L., Stober R., Kaspera R., Nimtz Manfred*, ... , Berger R.G., Zorn H.
A novel oxygenase from Pleurotus sapidus transforms valencene to nootkatone
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic,
Author count: 4
Klawonn Frank, Crull Katja, Kukita A., Pessler Frank
Median polish with power transformations as an alternative for the analysis of contingency tables with patient data
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Sience (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)),
Author count: 5
Arendt W., Hebecker S., Jager S., Nimtz Manfred, Moser J.
Resistance phenotypes mediated by aminoacyl-phosphatidylglycerol synthases
Journal of Bacteriology,
Author count: 3
Gernert C., Klawonn Frank, Jänsch Lothar
SignalNet: Visualization of signal network responses by quantitative proteome data
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics,
6936 LNCS
Author count: 5
Della Beffa Cristina*, Klawonn Frank*, Menetski J.P., Schumacher H.R., Pessler Frank*
Evaluation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, prolylpeptidyl isomerase A, and a set of stably expressed genes as reference mRNAs in urate crystal inflammation
BMC Research Notes,
Author count: 13
Buchrieser C., Rusniok C., Garrido P., Hain T., Scortti M., Lampidis R., Kärst Uwe*, Chakraborty T., Cossart P., Kreft J., Vazquez-Boland J.A., ... , Goebel W., Glaser P.
Complete genome sequence of the animal pathogen Listeria ivanovii, which provides insights into host specificities and evolution of the genus Listeria1
Journal of Bacteriology,
Author count: 6
Lehrke M., Rump S., Heidenreich T., Wissing Josef, Mendel R.R., Bittner F.
Identification of persulfide-binding and disulfide-forming cysteine residues in the NifS-like domain of the molybdenum cofactor sulfurase ABA3 by cysteine-scanning mutagenesis
Biochemistry Journal,
Author count: 6
Benkert B., Quack N., Schreiber K., Jänsch Lothar*, Jahn D., Schobert M.
Nitrate-responsive NarX-NarL represses arginine-mediated induction of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa arginine fermentation arcDABC operon1
(Pt 10)
Author count: 12
Düvel J., Bertinetti D., Moller S., Schwede F., Morr M., Wissing J., Radamm L., Zimmermann B., Genieser H.G., Jänsch Lothar, ... , Herberg F.W., Häußler Susanne
A chemical proteomics approach to identify c-di-GMP binding proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Journal of Microbiological Methods,
Author count: 10
Zaoui C., Overhage J., Lons D., Zimmermann A., Musken M., Bielecki P., Pustelny C., Becker T., ... , Nimtz Manfred, Häußler Susanne
An orphan sensor kinase controls quinolone signal production via MexT in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Molecular Microbiology,
Author count: 6
Pommerenke C., Friedrich B., Johl T., Jänsch Lothar, Häußler Susanne, Klawonn F.
A modified apriori algorithm for analysing high-dimensional gene data
Author count: 3
Voss M., Nimtz Manfred*, Leimkuhler S.
Elucidation of the Dual Role of Mycobacterial MoeZR in Molybdenum Cofactor Biosynthesis and Cysteine Biosynthesis
Author count: 3
Krone M., Klawonn Frank*, Lührs Thorsten*
Identification of nuclear magnetic resonance signals via Gaussian mixture decomposition
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),
7014 LNCS
Author count: 3
Klawonn F., Höppner F., May S.
An alternative to ROC and AUC analysis of classifiers
LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)),
Author count: 4
Bodor A.M., Jänsch Lothar*, Wissing J., Wagner-Döbler Irene*
The luxS mutation causes loosely-bound biofilms in Shewanella oneidensis
BMC Research Notes,
Author count: 6
Abd El-Baky H., Linke D., Nimtz Manfred*, Metry W., El-Demerdash O., Berger R.G.
The extracellular aspartic peptidase of basidiomycete Wolfiporia cocos
Author count: 8
Dahl J.U., Urban A., Bolte A., Sriyabhaya P., Donahue J.L., Nimtz Manfred*, ... , Larson T.J., Leimkuhler S.
The Identification of a Novel Protein Involved in Molybdenum Cofactor Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli
Journal of Biological Chemistry,
Author count: 5
Novoselova N., Klawonn Frank*, Johl T., Reinl T., Jänsch Lothar*
Identification of peptides with deviating regulation factors using a robust clustering scheme
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing,
Author count: 4
El-Baky H.A., Linke D., Nimtz Manfred*, Berger R.G.
PsoP1, a Milk-Clotting Aspartic Peptidase from the Basidiomycete Fungus Piptoporus soloniensis
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
Author count: 3
Georgieva O., Tschumitschew K., Klawonn F.
Cluster validity measures based on the minimum description length principle
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
6881 LNAI (part 1)
Author count: 4
Eisele N., Linke D., Nimtz Manfred*, Berger R.G.
Heterologous expression, refolding and characterization of a salt activated subtilase from Pleurotus ostreatus
Process Biochemistry,
Author count: 4
Lunkenbein S., Takenberg M., Nimtz Manfred*, Berger R.G.
Characterization of a hydrophobin of the ascomycete Paecilomyces farinosus
Journal of Basic Microbiology,
Author count: 8
Hemmen K., Reinl T., Buttler K., Behler F., Dieken H., Jänsch Lothar*, ... , Wilting J., Weich Herbert A.*
High-resolution mass spectrometric analysis of the secretome from mouse lung endothelial progenitor cells
Author count: 5
Langlotz C., Schollmeyer M., Coplin D.L., Nimtz Manfred*, Geider K.
Biosynthesis of the repeating units of the exopolysaccarides amylovoran from Erwinia amylovora
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology,