Prof Dr Andrea Kröger

Prof Dr Andrea Kröger
Head of Research Group

Andrea Kröger received her initial training in Biology during her studies of Biology at the Technical University of Braunschweig. 1995, she joined group of Dr. Hansjörg Hauser at the Department of Gene Regulation and Differentiation of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research. During her doctoral studies, she worked on the characterization of suppressive effects of the transcription factor IRF-1 in mouse tumor models and the development of screening cell lines for the identification of small molecules for IRF-1 induction.

During her postdoctoral studies in Dr. Hansjörg Hauser´s group, her research focuses on stimulation of the immune response. Since 2010, as principal investigator of the “Interferons in Immune Defense and Immunity“ project, Andrea Kröger is searching for the mechanisms used by the interferon system to fight infections and influence protective immune responses.

Since 2012Andrea Kröger leads the research group “Innate Immunity and Infection” at the HZI. In December 2014 she completed her habilitation thesis for cell biology at the Technical University Braunschweig. Since June 2015 Andrea Kröger has a professorship for molecular Microbiology at the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg.

Tacke C., Landgraf P., Dieterich D.C., Kröger A. (2024)
The fate of neuronal synapse homeostasis in aging, infection, and inflammation
Am.J.Physiol.Cell Physiol., 327 (6)

Passarella S., Kethiswaran S., Brandes K., Tsai I.C., Cebulski K., Kröger A., ... , Dieterich D.C., Landgraf P. (2024)
Alteration of cGAS-STING signaling pathway components in the mouse cortex and hippocampus during healthy brain aging
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 16

Hollstein M.M., Dierks S., Schön M.P., Bergmann A., Abratis A., Eidizadeh A., Kaltenbach S., Schanz J., Groß U., Leha A., Kröger A., Andag R., Zautner A.E., Fischer A., ... , Erpenbeck L., Schnelle M. (2023)
Humoral and cellular immune responses in fully vaccinated individuals with or without SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection: Results from the CoV-ADAPT cohort
J.Med.Virol., 95 (10)

Weichert L., Düsedau H.P., Fritzsch D., Schreier S., Scharf A., Grashoff M., Cebulski K., Michaelsen-Preusse K., Erck C., Lienenklaus S., ... , Dunay I.R., Kröger A. (2023)
Astrocytes evoke a robust IRF7-independent type I interferon response upon neurotropic viral infection
J.Neuroinflamm., 20 (1)

Jakob J., Kröger A., Klawonn F., Bruder D., J+ñnsch L. (2023)
Translatome analyses by bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino acid labeling reveal that MR1-activated MAIT cells induce an M1 phenotype and antiviral programming in antigen-presenting monocytes
Front.Immunol., 14

Schwerk J., Kemper L., Bussey K.A., Lienenklaus S., Weiss S., Cicin-Sain L., Kröger A., Kalinke U., Collins C.M., Speck S.H., Messerle M., Wirth D., Brinkmann M.M., ... , Hauser H., Köster M. (2022)
Type I Interferon Signaling Controls Gammaherpesvirus Latency In Vivo
Pathogens, 11 (12)

Münsterkötter L., Hollstein M.M., Hahn A., Kröger A., Schnelle M., Erpenbeck L., Groß U., ... , Frickmann H., Zautner A.E. (2022)
Comparison of the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Assays by TECOmedical and DiaPROPH-Med with Samples from Vaccinated and Infected Individuals
Viruses, 14 (2)

Chaudhry M.Z., Eschke K., Hoffmann M., Grashoff M., Abassi L., Kim Y., Brunotte L., Ludwig S., Kröger A., Klawonn F., ... , Pöhlmann S.H., Cicin-Sain L. (2022)
Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Adaptation to Available Cellular Proteases

Laudenbach B.T., Krey K., Emslander Q., Andersen L.L., Reim A., Scaturro P., Mundigl S., Dächert C., Manske K., Moser M., Ludwig J., Wohlleber D., Kröger A., ... , Binder M., Pichlmair A. (2021)
NUDT2 initiates viral RNA degradation by removal of 5'-phosphates
Nat.Commun., 12 (1)

Düsedau H.P., Steffen J., Figueiredo C.A., Boehme J.D., Schultz K., Erck C., Korte M., Faber-Zuschratter H., Smalla K.H., Dieterich D., Kröger A., ... , Bruder D., Dunay I.R. (2021)
Influenza A Virus (H1N1) Infection Induces Microglial Activation and Temporal Dysbalance in Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission
MBio., 12 (5)

Rox K., Heyner M., Krull J., Harmrolfs K., Rinne V., Hokkanen J., Perez Vilaro G., Díez J., Müller R., Kröger A., ... , Sugiyama Y., Brönstrup M. (2021)
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Model for the Treatment of Dengue Infections Applied to the Broad Spectrum Antiviral Soraphen A
ACS Pharm.Transl.Sci., 4 (5)

Koschel J., Nishanth G., Just S., Harit K., Kröger A., Deckert M., ... , Naumann M., Schlüter D. (2021)
Correction: OTUB1 prevents lethal hepatocyte necroptosis through stabilization of c-IAP1 during murine liver inflammation (Cell Death & Differentiation, (2021), 10.1038/s41418-021-00752-9)
Cell Death and Differentiation

Petry M., Palus M., Leitzen E., Mitterreiter J.G., Huang B., Kröger A., Verjans G.M.G.M., Baumgärtner W., Rimmelzwaan G.F., Ruzek D., ... , Osterhaus A., Prajeeth C.K. (2021)
Immunity to TBEV related flaviviruses with reduced pathogenicity protects mice from disease but not from TBEV entry into the CNS
Vaccines, 9 (3)

Bertoglio F., Meier D., Langreder N., Steinke S., Rand U., Simonelli L., Heine P.A., Ballmann R., Schneider K.T., Roth K.D.R., Ruschig M., Riese P., Eschke K., Kim Y., Schäckermann D., Pedotti M., Kuhn P., Zock-Emmenthal S., Wöhrle J., Kilb N., Herz T., Becker M., Grasshoff M., Wenzel E.V., Russo G., Kröger A., Brunotte L., Ludwig S., Fühner V., Krämer S.D., Dübel S., Varani L., Roth G., Cicin-Sain L., ... , Schubert M., Hust M. (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing human recombinant antibodies selected from pre-pandemic healthy donors binding at RBD-ACE2 interface
Nat.Commun., 12 (1)

Koschel J., Nishanth G., Just S., Harit K., Kröger A., Deckert M., ... , Naumann M., Schlüter D. (2021)
OTUB1 prevents lethal hepatocyte necroptosis through stabilization of c-IAP1 during murine liver inflammation
Cell Death.Differ.

Schreier S., Cebulski K., Kröger A. (2021)
Contact-dependent transmission of Langat and tick-borne encephalitis virus in type I interferon receptor-1 deficient mice
J.Virol., 95 (8)

Lindqvist R., Rosendal E., Weber E., Asghar N., Schreier S., Lenman A., Johansson M., Dobler G., Bestehorn M., ... , Kröger A., Överby A.K. (2020)
The envelope protein of tick-borne encephalitis virus influences neuron entry, pathogenicity, and vaccine protection
J Neuroinflammation, 17 (1)

Cornelius A.D.A., Hosseini S., Schreier S., Fritzsch D., Weichert L., Michaelsen-Preusse K., ... , Fendt M., Kröger A. (2020)
Langat virus infection affects hippocampal neuron morphology and function in mice without disease signs
J Neuroinflammation, 17 (1)

Wedekind A., Fritzsch D., Kröger A. (2020)
Add on the next level-the time point of the type I IFN response orchestrates the immune response
Cell.Mol.Immunol, 17 (8)

Prochnow H., Rox K., Birudukota N.V.S., Weichert L., Hotop S.K., Klahn P., Mohr K., Franz S., Banda D.H., Blockus S., Schreiber J., Haid S., Oeyen M., Martinez J.P., Süssmuth R.D., Wink J., Meyerhans A., Goffinet C., Messerle M., Schulz T.F., Kröger A., Schols D., ... , Pietschmann T., Brönstrup M. (2020)
Labyrinthopeptins exert broad-spectrum antiviral activity through lipid-binding-mediated virolysis
J.Virol., 94 (2)

Ring S., Eggers L., Behrends J., Wutkowski A., Schwudke D., Kröger A., Hierweger A.M., Hölscher C., ... , Gabriel G., Schneider B.E. (2019)
Blocking IL-10 receptor signaling ameliorates Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection during influenza-induced exacerbation
JCI Insight, 4 (10)

Büssow K., Themann P., Luu S., Pentrowski P., Harting C., Majewski M., Vollmer V., Köster M., Grashoff M., Zawatzky R., van den Heuvel J., ... , Kröger A., Böldicke T. (2019)
ER intrabody-mediated inhibition of interferon a secretion by mouse macrophages and dendritic cells
PLoS ONE, 14 (4)

Heyner M., Schreier S., Kröger A. (2019)
The brain-immune cells axis controls tissue specific immunopathology
Cell Mol.Immunol., 16 (2)

Blume J., Zietara N., Witzlau K., Liu Y., Sanchez O.O., Puchalka J., Winter S.J., Kunze-Schumacher H., Saran N., Duber S., Roy B., Weiss S., Klein C., Wurst W., ... , Lyszkiewicz M., Kröger A. (2019)
miR-191 modulates B-cell development and targets transcription factors E2A, Foxp1, and Egr1
Eur.J.Immunol., 49 (1)

Kurhade C., Schreier S., Lee Y.P., Zegenhagen L., Hjertqvist M., Dobler G., ... , Kröger A., Överby A.K. (2018)
Correlation of severity of human tick-borne encephalitis virus disease and pathogenicity in mice
Emerg.Infect.Dis., 24 (9)

Stegemann-Koniszewski S., Behrens S., Boehme J.D., Hochnadel I., Riese P., Guzmán C.A., Kröger A., Schreiber J., ... , Gunzer M., Bruder D. (2018)
Respiratory influenza A virus infection triggers local and systemic natural killer cell activation via toll-like receptor 7
Front.Immunol., 9 (FEB)

Somplatzki S., Muhlenhoff M., Kröger A., Gerardy-Schahn R., Böldicke T. (2017)
Intrabodies against the Polysialyltransferases ST8SiaII and ST8SiaIV inhibit Polysialylation of NCAM in rhabdomyosarcoma tumor cells
BMC Biotechnol., 17 (1)

Asghar N., Lee Y.P., Nilsson E., Lindqvist R., Melik W., Kröger A., ... , Overby A.K., Johansson M. (2016)
The role of the poly(A) tract in the replication and virulence of tick-borne encephalitis virus
Sci Rep., 6

Lindqvist R., Mundt F., Gilthorpe J.D., Wolfel S., Gekara N.O., ... , Kröger A., Overby A.K. (2016)
Fast type I interferon response protects astrocytes from flavivirus infection and virus-induced cytopathic effects
J Neuroinflammation., 13 (1)

Stegemann-Koniszewski S., Jeron A., Gereke M., Geffers R., Kroger A., ... , Gunzer M., Bruder D. (2016)
Alveolar Type II Epithelial Cells Contribute to the Anti-Influenza A Virus Response in the Lung by Integrating Pathogen- and Microenvironment-Derived Signals
MBio., 7 (3)

Andzinski L., Spanier J., Kasnitz N., Kroger A., Jin L., Brinkmann M.M., Kalinke U., Weiss S., ... , Jablonska J., Lienenklaus S. (2016)
Growing tumors induce a local STING dependent type I IFN response in dendritic cells
Int.J Cancer, 139 (6)

Nocera D.A., Roselli E., Araya P., Nunez N.G., Lienenklaus S., Jablonska J., Weiss S., Gatti G., Brinkmann M.M., Kroger A., ... , Moron G., Maccioni M. (2016)
In Vivo Visualizing the IFN-b[beta] Response Required for Tumor Growth Control in a Therapeutic Model of Polyadenylic-Polyuridylic Acid Administration
J Immunol., 196 (6)

Zegenhagen L., Kurhade C., Koniszewski N., Overby A.K., Kröger A. (2016)
Brain heterogeneity leads to differential innate immune responses and modulates pathogenesis of viral infections
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev., 30

Castiglia V., Piersigilli A., Ebner F., Janos M., Goldmann O., Dambock U., Kroger A., Weiss S., Knapp S., Jamieson A.M., Kirschning C., Kalinke U., Strobl B., Muller M., Stoiber D., ... , Lienenklaus S., Kovarik P. (2016)
Type I Interferon Signaling Prevents IL-1b[beta]-Driven Lethal Systemic Hyperinflammation during Invasive Bacterial Infection of Soft Tissue
Cell Host.Microbe, 19 (3)

Kurhade C., Zegenhagen L., Weber E., Nair S., Michaelsen-Preusse K., Spanier J., Gekara N.O., ... , Kroger A., Overby A.K. (2016)
Type I Interferon response in olfactory bulb, the site of tick-borne flavivirus accumulation, is primarily regulated by IPS-1
J Neuroinflammation., 13 (1)

Marandu T.F., Oduro J.D., Borkner L., Dekhtiarenko I., Uhrlaub J., Drabig A., Kroger A., ... , Nikolich-Zugich J., Cicin-Sain L. (2015)
Immune protection against virus challenge in aging mice is not affected by latent herpesviral infections
J Virol., 89

Härtlova A., Erttmann S.F., Raffi F.A.M., Schmalz A.M., Resch U., Anugula S., Lienenklaus S., Nilsson L.M., Kröger A., Nilsson J.A., Ek T., ... , Weiss S., Gekara N.O. (2015)
DNA Damage Primes the Type I Interferon System via the Cytosolic DNA Sensor STING to Promote Anti-Microbial Innate Immunity
Immunity, 42 (2)

Wu Ching-Fang, Andzinski Lisa, Kasnitz Nadine, Kröger Andrea, Klawonn Frank, Lienenklaus Stefan, ... , Weiss Siegfried, Jablonska Jadwiga (2015)
The lack of type I interferon induces neutrophil-mediated pre-metastatic niche formation in the mouse lung
International Journal of Cancer, 137

Weber E., Finsterbusch Katja, Lindquist R., Nair S., Lienenklaus S., Gekara N.O.*, Janik D., Weiss S., Kalinke U., ... , Overby A.K., Kröger A. (2014)
Type I interferon protects mice from fatal neurotropic infection with Langat virus by systemic and local anti-viral response
Journal of Virology, 88

Spanier J., Lienenklaus Stefan, Paijo J., Kessler A., Borst K., Heindorf Sabrina, Baker D.P., Kröger Andrea, Weiss Siegfried, Detje C.N., ... , Staeheli P., Kalinke Ulrich (2014)
Concomitant TLR/RLH Signaling of Radioresistant and Radiosensitive Cells Is Essential for Protection against Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection
Journal of Immunology, 193 (6)

Marandu T.F., Finsterbusch K., Kroger A., Cicin-Sain L. (2014)
Mouse CMV infection delays antibody class switch upon an unrelated virus challenge
Experimental Gerontology, 54

Andzinski Lisa, Wu Ching-Fang, Lienenklaus Stefan, Kröger Andrea, Weiss Siegfried, Jablonska Jadwiga (2014)
Delayed apoptosis of tumor associated neutrophils in the absence of endogenous IFN-b[beta]
International Journal of Cancer, 136 (3)

Nair Sharmila, Michaelsen-Preusse K., Finsterbusch Katja, Stegemann-Koniszewski Sabine, Bruder Dunja, Grashoff Martina, Korte Martin, Köster Mario, Kalinke Ulrich, ... , Hauser Hansjörg, Kröger Andrea (2014)
Interferon regulatory factor-1 protects from fatal neurotropic infection with vesicular stomatitis virus by specific inhibition of viral replication in neurons
PLoS Pathogens, 10 (3)

Ksienzyk A., Neumann B., Kröger Andrea (2012)
IRF-1 is critical for IFNgamma mediated immune surveillance
Oncoimmunology, 1 (4)

Nandakumar R., Finsterbusch K., Lipps C., Neumann B., Grashoff M., Nair S., Hochnadel I., Lienenklaus S., Wappler I., Steinmann E., Hauser H., ... , Pietschmann T., Kröger A. (2013)
Hepatitis C Virus Replication in Mouse Cells is Restricted by IFN-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms
Gastroenterology, 145 (6)

Frentzen Anne, Kusuma Angga, Guerlevik E., Hueging Kathrin, Knocke S., Ginkel Corinne, Brown Richard J.P., Heim M., Dill M.T., Kröger Andrea, Kalinke Ulrich, Kaderali L., ... , Kuehnel F., Pietschmann Thomas (2013)
Cell entry, efficient RNA replication, and production of infectious hepatitis C virus progeny in mouse liver-derived cells

Rand Ulfert, Rinas M., Schwerk Johannes, Nohren G., Linnes M., Kröger Andrea, Flossdorf M., Kaly-Kullai K., Hauser Hansjörg, ... , Hofer T., Köster Mario (2012)
Multi-layered stochasticity and paracrine signal propagation shape the type-I interferon response
Molecular Systems Biology, 8

Ksienzyk A., Neumann B., Nandakumar R., Finsterbusch K., Grashoff M., Zawatzky R., Bernhardt G., ... , Hauser Hansjörg*, Kroger A. (2011)
IRF-1 Expression Is Essential for Natural Killer Cells to Suppress Metastasis
Cancer Research, 71 (20)

Ramsauer K., Farlik M., Zupkovitz G., Seiser C., Kroger A., ... , Hauser Hansjörg*, Decker T. (2007)
Distinct modes of action applied by transcription factors STAT1 and IRF1 to initiate transcription of the IFN-gamma-inducible gbp2 gene
Proceeding of the National Acadamy of Sciences USA, 104 (8)

Stirnweiss A., Ksienzyk A., Klages K., Rand U., Grashoff M., ... , Hauser Hansjörg*, Kroger A. (2010)
IFN regulatory factor-1 bypasses IFN-mediated antiviral effects through viperin gene induction
Journal of Immunology, 184 (9)

Dietrich N., Rohde Manfred*, Geffers Robert*, Kroger A., Hauser Hansjörg*, ... , Weiss Siegfried*, Gekara N.O. (2010)
Mast cells elicit proinflammatory but not type I interferon responses upon activation of TLRs by bacteria
Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (19)

Probst-Kepper M., Geffers R., Kroger A., Viegas N., Erck C., Hecht H.-J., Lünsdorf H., Roubin R., Moharregh-Khiabani D., Wagner K., Ocklenburg F., Jeron A., Garritsen H., Arstila T.P., Kekalainen E., Balling R., Hauser H., ... , Buer J., Weiss S. (2009)
GARP: a key receptor controlling FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 13 (9)

Probst-Kepper Michael*, Kröger Andrea*, Garritsen H.S.P., Buer J. (2009)
Perspectives on regulatory T cell therapies
Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 36 (5)

Kroger A., Stirnweiss A., Pulverer J.E., Klages K., Grashoff M., ... , Reimann J., Hauser Hansjörg* (2007)
Tumor suppression by IFN regulatory factor-1 is mediated by transcriptional down-regulation of cyclin D1
Cancer Research, 67 (7)

Stegemann S., Dahlberg S., Kroger A., Gereke M., Bruder Dunja*, ... , Henriques-Normark B., Gunzer Matthias* (2009)
Increased susceptibility for superinfection with Streptococcus pneumoniae
PLoS ONE, 4 (3)

Schirmbeck R., Riedel P., Kupferschmitt M., Wegenka U., Hauser Hansjörg*, ... , Rice J., Kröger Andrea* (2006)
Priming protective CD8 T cell immunity by DNA vaccines encoding chimeric, stress protein-capturing tumor-associated antigen
Journal of Immunology, 177 (3)

Froese N., Schwarzer M., Niedick I., Frischmann U., Köster M., Kröger A., Müller P.P., Nourbakhsh M., Pasche B., Reimann J., ... , Staeheli P., Hauser H. (2006)
Innate immune responses in NF-kappaB-repressing factor (NRF)-deficient mice
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26

May T., Müller P., Weich H., Froese N., Deutsch U., Wirth D., ... , Kröger A., Hauser H. (2005)
Establishment of murine cell lines by constitutive and conditional immortalization
Journal of Biotechnology, 120 (1)

Dikopoulos N., Bertoletti A., Kröger A., Hauser H., Schirmbeck R., Reimann J. (2005)
Type I interferon negatively regulates CD8+ T cell responses through IL-10-producing CD4+ TR1 cells
Journal of Immunology, 174

Dikopoulos N., Wegenka U., Kröger A., Hauser H., Schirmbeck R., Reimann J. (2004)
Recently primed CD8+ T cells entering the liver allow hepatocytes to interact with naive CD8+ T cell and downregulate their immune-suppressive effects
Hepatology, 39

Jomantaité I., Dikopoulos N., Kröger A., Leithäuser F., Hauser H., ... , Schrimbeck R., Reimann J. (2004)
Hepatic dendritic cell subsets in the mouse
European Journal of Immunology, 34

Kröger A., Dallügge A., Kirchhoff S., Hauser H. (2003)
IRF-1 reverts the transformed phenotype of oncogenically transformed cells in vitro an in vivo
Oncogene, 22 (7)

Kwissa M., Kröger A., Hauser H., Reimann J., Schirmbeck R. (2003)
Defining conditions for cytokine-facilitated priming of CD8+ T cell responses by DNA vaccination
Journal of Molecular Medicine, 81

Trobonjaca Z., Kröger A., Stober D., Leithauser F., Moller P., Hauser H., ... , Schirmbeck R., Reimann J. (2002)
Activating immunity in the liver. II. IFN-beta attenuates NK cell- dependent liver injury triggered by liver NKT cell activation
Journal of Immunology, 168 (8)

Kröger A., Köster M., Schroeder K., Hauser H., Müller P.P. (2002)
Activities of IRF-1
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research, 22 (1)

Unsinger J., Kroger A., Hauser H., Wirth D. (2001)
Retroviral vectors for the transduction of autoregulated, bidirectional expression cassettes
Molecular therapy, 4 (5)

Müller P., Oumard A., Wirth D., Kröger A., Hauser H. (2001)
Polyvalent vectors for coexpression of multiple genes

Kröger A., Ortmann D., Krohne T.U., Mohr L., Blum H.E., ... , Hauser H., Geissler M. (2001)
Growth suppression of the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line Hepa1-6 by an activatable interferon regulatory factor-1 in mice
Cancer Research, 61 (6)

Hennecke M., Kwissa M., Metzger K., Oumard A., Kröger A., Schirmbeck R., ... , Reimann J., Hauser H. (2001)
Composition and arrangement of genes define the strength of IRES-driven translation in bicistronic mRNAs
Nucleic Acids Research, 29 (16)