
Step-by-step Plan for after the Shutdown

HZI epidemiologist Gérard Krause contributes to position paper on coronavirus crisis

An interdisciplinary group of renowned scientists - among them Prof Gérard Krause, head of the Department Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig - is now calling for the current restrictions in society and the economy to be gradually eased, while ensuring medical care for the entire population.

The strategy envisions the gradual easing of current restrictions in a differentiated way and under continuous consideration of the risks. Priority will be given to restrictions that incur high economic costs or lead to severe social and health burdens. Regions with low infection rates and available capacity in the health care system could, according to the proposal of the 14 experts from German universities and research institutes, lead the way in a gradual new start. Sectors with a low risk of infection, such as highly automated factories, and areas with less vulnerable persons, such as schools and universities, should be the first to have restrictions lifted.

HZI epidemiologist Prof. Gérard Krause, has developed the position paper with 13 renowned scientists from various disciplines. "The current measures have public health consequences. We have to find solutions to keep the damage caused by SARS-Cov-2 and by the measures taken against the pandemic as low as possible", says Krause.

A press release on the position paper can be found on the website of the ifo Institute.

The position paper can be found here.

Furthermore, we provide a French translation of the summary and recommandation section of the position paper.