
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Montosi,G., Paglia,P., Garuti,C., Guzmán,C.A., Bastin,J.M., ... , Colombo,M.P., Pietrangelo,A. (2000)
Wild-type Hfe protein normalizes transferrin iron accumulation in macrophages from subjects with hereditary hemochromatosis
Blood 96 (3)
Kwissa,M., Unsinger,J., Schirmbeck,R., Hauser,H., Reimann,J. (2000)
Polyvalent DNA vaccines with bidirectional promoters
Journal of Molecular Medicine 78 (9)
Paglia,P., Terrazzini,N., Schulze,K., Guzmán,C.A., Colombo,M.P. (2000)
In vivo correction of genetic defects of monocyte/macrophages using attenuated Salmonella as oral vectors for targeted gene delivery
Gene Therapy 7 (20)
Kresse,A.U., Beltrametti,F., Ebel,F., Guzmán,C.A. (2000)
Characterization of the SepL of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
Journal of Bacteriology 182 (22)
Nourbakhsh,M., Oumard,A., Schwarzer,M., Hauser,H. (2000)
NRF, a nuclear inhibitor of NF-kappaB proteins silencing interferon- beta promoter
European Cytokine Network 11 (3)
Gross,G., Czichos,S., Ju,W., Kaps,C., Haupl,T., Sittinger,M., ... , Burmester,G., Hoffmann,A. (2000)
Signalkaskaden bei der Knorpel- und Knochenbildung
Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 59
Sittinger,M., Perka,C., Schultz,O., Wilke,I., Mensing,M., Gross,G., ... , Haupl,T., Bumester,G. (2000)
Neue Ansätze zur Knorpelregeneration durch Tissue Engineering bei chronischen Gelenkerkrankungen
Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 59
Wachtendorf,U., Hillmann,G., Geurtsen,W., Hoffmann,A., Gross,G. (2000)
The osteogenic potential of human gingival fibroblasts.
Journal of Dental Research 79
Ju,W.J., Hoffmann,A., Verschueren,K., Tylzanowski,P., Kaps,C., ... , Gross,G., Huylebroeck,D. (2000)
The bone morphogenetic protein 2 signaling mediator Smad1 participates predominantly in osteogenic and not in chondrogenic differentiation in mesenchymal progenitors C3h1ot1/2
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 15 (10)
Gross,G., Hoffmann,A., Czicbos,S., Bachner,D., Kaps,C., Mayer,H., Ju,W., Kurkalli,B.G., Turgeman,G., Zilberman,Y., ... , Zhou,S., Gazit,D. (2000)
A member of the T-box family of transcription factors mediates cartilage development in mesenchymal progenitors C3h10t1/2.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 15