
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Freilinger,S., Kaemmerer,H., Pittrow,R.D., Achenbach,S., Baldus,S., Dewald,O., Ewert,P., Freiberger,A., Gorenflo,M., Harig,F., Hohmann,C., Holdenrieder,S., Hörer,J., Huntgeburth,M., Hübler,M., Kohls,N., Klawonn,F., Kozlik-Feldmann,R., Kaulitz,R., Loßnitzer,D., Mellert,F., Nagdyman,N., Nordmeyer,J., Pittrow,B.A., Pittrow,L.B., Rickers,C., Rosenkranz,S., Schelling,J., Sinning,C., Suleiman,M.N., von Kodolitsch,Y., ... , von Scheidt,F., Kaemmerer-Suleiman,A.S. (2024)
PATHFINDER-CHD: prospective registry on adults with congenital heart disease, abnormal ventricular function, and/or heart failure as a foundation for establishing rehabilitative, prehabilitative, preventive, and health-promoting measures: rationale, aims, design and methods
BMC Cardiovasc.Disord. 24 (1)
Chen,X., Zhao,H., Wang,C., Hamed,M., Shang,Q., Yang,Y., Diao,X., Sun,X., Hu,W., Jiang,X., Zhang,Y., Hirsch,A.K.H., ... , Wu,D., Zhuang,J. (2024)
Two natural compounds as potential inhibitors against the Helicobacter pylori and Acinetobacter baumannii IspD enzymes
Hillenbrand,M., Esslinger,C., Seidenberg,J., Weber,M., Zingg,A., Townsend,C., Eicher,B., Rutkauskaite,J., Riese,P., Guzman,C.A., ... , Fischer,K., Schmitt,S. (2024)
Fast-Track Discovery of SARS-CoV-2-Neutralizing Antibodies from Human B Cells by Direct Functional Screening
Viruses. 16 (3)
Ponath,F., Zhu,Y., Vogel,J. (2024)
Transcriptome fine-mapping in Fusobacterium nucleatum reveals FoxJ, a new d
Becker,T., Heitkötter,J., Krome,A.K., Schiefer,A., Pfarr,K., Ehrens,A., Grosse,M., Sandargo,B., Stammberger,I., Stadler,M., Hübner,M.P., Kehraus,S., ... , Hoerauf,A., Wagner,K.G. (2024)
Mesoporous Silica as an Alternative Vehicle to Overcome Solubility Limitations
Pharmaceutics. 16 (3)
Jachs,M., Sandmann,L., Hartl,L., Tergast,T., Schwarz,M., Bauer,D.J.M., Balcar,L., Ehrenbauer,A., Hofer,B.S., Cornberg,M., Lenzen,H., Deterding,K., Trauner,M., Mandorfer,M., Wedemeyer,H., ... , Reiberger,T., Maasoumy,B. (2024)
Validation of Baveno VII criteria and other non-invasive diagnostic algorithms for clinically significant portal hypertension in hepatitis delta
Sullivan,G.J., Barquist,L., Cain,A.K. (2024)
A method to correct for local alterations in DNA copy number that bias functional genomics assays applied to antibiotic-treated bacteria
Schempp,R., Eilts,J., Schöl,M., Grijalva Yepez,M.F., Fekete,A., Wigger,D., Schumacher,F., Kleuser,B., Van Ham,M., Jänsch,L., ... , Sauer,M., Avota,E. (2024)
The Role of Neutral Sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) in the Control of Neutral Lipid Storage in T Cells
Int.J.Mol.Sci 25 (6)
Streit,F., Völker,M.P., Klinger-König,J., Zillich,L., Frank,J., Reinhard,I., Foo,J.C., Witt,S.H., Sirignano,L., Becher,H., Obi,N., Riedel,O., Do,S., Castell,S., Hassenstein,M.J., Karch,A., Stang,A., Schmidt,B., Schikowski,T., Stahl-Pehe,A., Brenner,H., Perna,L., Greiser,K.H., Kaaks,R., Michels,K.B., Franzke,C.W., Peters,A., Fischer,B., Konzok,J., Mikolajczyk,R., Führer,A., Keil,T., Fricke,J., Willich,S.N., Pischon,T., Völzke,H., Meinke-Franze,C., Loeffler,M., Wirkner,K., Berger,K., ... , Grabe,H.J., Rietschel,M. (2023)
The interplay of family history of depression and early trauma: associations with lifetime and current depression in the German national cohort (NAKO)
Front Epidemiol. 3
Dirr,L., Cleeves,S., Ramon Roth,I., Li,L., Fiebig,T., Ve,T., Häussler,S., Braun,A., ... , von Itzstein,M., Führing,J.I. (2024)
Tetramerization is essential for the enzymatic function of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence factor UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase