
Die Publikationsdatenbank des HZI verzeichnet alle Publikationen von Mitarbeiter:innen des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Infektionsforschung sowie der Vorgängerinstitution, GBF, ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 2000.

Li,Q., Jansen,H., Hansen,G., Nurjadi,D., Herrmann,J., Stadler,M., Brönstrup,M., Müller,R., He,C., Graspeuntner,S., ... , Rupp,J., Shima,K. (2024)
Inhibitory effect of sorangicin A against mutant DNA-dependent RNA polymerase in the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis
Rosch,M.E.G., Rehner,J., Schmartz,G.P., Manier,S.K., Becker,U., Müller,R., Meyer,M.R., Keller,A., ... , Becker,S.L., Keller,V. (2024)
Time series of chicken stool metagenomics and egg metabolomics in changing production systems: preliminary insights from a proof-of-concept
One.Health Outlook 6 (1)
Jenniches,L., Michaux,C., Popella,L., Reichardt,S., Vogel,J., ... , Westermann,A.J., Barquist,L. (2024)
Improved RNA stability estimation through Bayesian modeling reveals most Salmonella transcripts have subminute half-lives
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 121 (14)
Mühlen,S., Heroven,A.K., Elxnat,B., Kahl,S., Pieper,D.H., Dersch,P. (2024)
Infection and antibiotic-associated changes in the fecal microbiota of C. rodentium f
Antimicrob.Agents Chemother.
Palm,J., Ono,M., Niedermaier,C., Hörer,J., Hoffmann,G., Holdenrieder,S., ... , Klawonn,F., Ewert,P. (2024)
Quantification of ventricular stress in univentricular hearts during early childhood using age-independent zlog-NT-proBNP
Roman,D., Meisinger,P., Guillonneau,R., Peng,C.C., Peltner,L.K., Jordan,P.M., Haensch,V., Götze,S., Werz,O., Hertweck,C., ... , Chen,Y., Beemelmanns,C. (2024)
Structure Revision of a Widespread Marine Sulfonolipid Class Based on Isolation and Total Synthesis
Angew.Chem.Int.Ed Engl.
Gawlitt,S., Collins,S.P., Yu,Y., Blackman,S.A., Barquist,L., Beisel,C.L. (2024)
Expanding the flexibility of base editing for high-throughput genetic screens in bacteria
Nucleic Acids Res.
Hofer,W., Deschner,F., Jezequel,G., Pessanha de,Carvalho L., bdel-Wadood,N., Pätzold,L., Bernecker,S., Morgenstern,B., Kany,A.M., Große,M., Stadler,M., Bischoff,M., Hirsch,A.K.H., Held,J., ... , Herrmann,J., Müller,R. (2024)
Functionalization of Chlorotonils: Dehalogenil as Promising Lead Compound for In Vivo Application
Angew.Chem.Int.Ed Engl.
Fey,C., Truschel,T., Nehlsen,K., Damigos,S., Horstmann,J., Stradal,T., May,T., ... , Metzger,M., Zdzieblo,D. (2024)
Enhancing pre-clinical research with simplified intestinal cell line models
J.Tissue Eng. 15
Pape,S., Karki,S.J., Heinsohn,T., Brandes,I., Dierks,M.L., Lange,B. (2024)
Tuberculosis case fatality is higher in male than female patients in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis