
Blood vessel organoid
Scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) rely on working with laboratory animals to research infectious diseases in more detail and to understand the complex interactions between pathogens and their hosts. To this end, the HZI operates a central animal facility for breeding and keeping mice and hamsters.
Fabian Leendertz, Director of the Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH) in Greifswald, and his team have been working for more than a decade in the south of the Central African Republic, in the Dzanga Sangha Conservation Areas. As part of a close collaboration with the WWF of the Central African Republic, the HIOH supports the monitoring of the health status of wildlife in these protected areas, with a focus on lowland gorillas. Over the years, activities have been expanded to better characterize the interface between humans, animals and the environment in this extraordinary ecosystem.
Symbolic image defense against viruses
Vaccinations do not always live up to what we would want them to do – so far, anyway. But they are still invaluable for our health and life in our communities.
Symbol image; hand turns an equal and an unequal sign between the symbols for male and female gender
Men are more susceptible to a number of chronic infections, while women, in turn, are more likely to overreact to infections. The underlying reason and why it needs to be taken into account more in clinical practice in the future. Am I more likely to have a mild case of pneumonia or is it more likely to be life-threatening? What is my risk of side effects from COVID-19 vaccination? Do I belong to a group of people who are more likely to contract chronic viral hepatitis than others? The answers to these questions vary – depending on your sex and gender. Hospitalised for pneumonia, males are twice as likely as females to need to be transferred to intensive care (Source). Females, in turn, are more than twice as likely as males to suffer side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine. And chronic hepatitis B is more common among males than among females.
Since mid-May 2022, several countries where mpox/monkeypox is not endemic have reported an accumulation of infections with the monkeypox virus. Cases have also been diagnosed in Germany, as of May 2023 around 3700 infections were recorded. Researchers at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) are contributing their expertise to assessing the current situation and informing the public.
Scientist in the zebrafish facility
On the World Day for Laboratory Animals April 24, 2023, special attention is paid to the use of animals for research and development of products for humans. In drug research, among other areas, extensive animal testing is a firmly prescribed part of the approval process for new drugs. However, a reduction in the number of laboratory animals is increasingly in sight due to new approaches. At the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), a site of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in collaboration with Saarland University, researchers are successfully developing alternative models and have already received awards for their work.

HZI in the media

Krim-Kongo-Fieber ist ein tödliches Virus, das von der Hyalomma-Zecke übertragen werden kann. ...

Focus Online

Viruses that cause the common cold in humans are devastating populations of chimpanzees and gorillas. In some ape communities, it’s a ...

The Guardian

In der EU steigt die Zahl der Keuchhusteninfektionen. Einige Länder melden sogar Todesfälle. Wie ist ...

Apotheken Umschau

Die Entdeckung antimikrobieller Wirkstoffe – wie etwa konventioneller Antibiotika – hat die Medizin verändert und ermöglicht, Infektionen ...

Management & Krankenhaus

Credit: Nucleic Acids Research (2024). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkae281


The antimicrobial potential of CRISPR-Cas systems is promising, yet how to ...


Alle Themenportale




Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitales und Energie


Ministerium der Finanzen und für ...


Ein Promotionsprojekt am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI) erforscht Immuntherapien gegen Cytomegalievirus (CMV)-Infektionen ...

Biermann Medizin

Un informe de la revista Science detalla cómo el cultivo de tabaco puede ocasionar que los chimpancés sean portadores de virus similares al ...

La Repú

Tobacco farming is driving apes to seek unusual food source, brimming with pathogens ...


Corona hat es gezeigt: Erreger kennen keine Landesgrenzen. Wie also kann die nächste Pandemie verhindert ...


Ein Promotionsprojekt am Braunschweiger Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung erforscht Immuntherapie von Cytomegalievirus-Infektionen ...

Ärzte Zeitung

Prof. Anna Hirsch vom Helmholtz-Institut für Pharmazeutische Forschung Saarland (HIPS) entwickelt mit ERC-Förderung ...

Health&Care Management

Biotechnologie-Studierende erforschen Alternativen zu Öl und Gas ...


Wissenschaftler beschreiben einen neuen Ansatz für Prävention und Therapie des Krim-Kongo-Fiebers in einer ...

Biermann Medizin

Joghurt ist gesund – sogar so gesund, dass Sie ihn am besten täglich zu sich nehmen ...

Focus Online